Rick and the Cross in Nicuargua

Cross in Nicuargua

Just received these pictures from my husband in Nicuargua. This picture shows  the volcano “Momotumba” in the background.  Rick has been there since Thursday and as you can imagine, he is thrilled!!!  He is in his element, witnessing, sharing the love of Christ!  He is carrying the Cross on average of 10 miles a day with Steve, a friend that he flew down with from N.C.  Their journey started in Managua and are walking approx. 60 miles to Leon.  Since I am learning how to find my way around the computer now, thanks to my beautiful friend, Dianne, who is a Web designer, I am just going to let you hear his words from the very first day of carrying the cross!

…  “we had a great service tonight. so many they would not fit in the church. So they set up outside under a Mango tree.. Carlos did the translating they listened good. I preached 1Thes.2:4.  this afternoon we carried the cross all around town. Thats where I prayed with the one man to receive Christ. We gave out hundreds of tracts prayed in peoples homes it was beautiful, even took the cross in. Tomorrow we have 2 young teens that want to walk with us. So I said yes…Their excited…We will be on the road by 7:30 am to beat some of the heat. each day its getting hotter. I have one blister dont want more. Been a great week of ministry. We hope to make Leon by Thurs Am at the latest.”

We continue to covet your prayers and praise God for the many hearts and souls that will be changed!


One Reply to “Rick and the Cross in Nicuargua”

  1. Hola rick espero estes bien, se q al ver este mensaje te diras, no entiendo lo que dice, pero si te escribo es para decirte que te llevo presente en mis oraciones, vivo orando por la mision que tienes con eso de cragar con esa cruz que yo tambien cargue, si aun te acuerdas de mi, te acordaras de mis deseos de querer estudiar teology, deseo por e l cual tu dijistes que verias que harias por mi, aun sigo esperando que tiene preparado Dios para mi, por que se que tu eres una gran señal para mi, y la verdad me gustaria ser una persona preparada como tu, para predicar el evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo a como tu lo has hecho, tengo fe en Dios que el te ayuda a diario y te bendice grandemente, por eso hoy me atrevo a escribirte esto para poner en marcha todo el plan que Dios tiene preparado en mi vida, y que tu fuistes una luz que alumbro mi vida al conocerte y darme cuenta que en mi corazon siento ser un gran misionero que lleve el evangelio a todo el mundo, ser un joven que haga la diferencia en que cuando tenemos a cristo en nuestro corazon, todo lo podemos, ya que el nos fortalece…. Cuidate muxo, Que Dios Te Bendiga y recuerda que te llevo presente en todas mis oraciones

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