Rick’s messages have brought encouragement and hope to people across the world. He has started coffee house ministries and has preached about every place imaginable, from the stage at rock concerts, houses of prostitution, high schools, universities, nursing homes, street corners, tv, radio, small churches and in great cathedrals. You name it he’s been there. Rick is available by invitation please contact him if you are interested in inviting Rick to your church or area.
Prayer for Spiritual Awakening Seminar:
certified instructor Southern Baptist Convention
- Teachings on history of Revivals
- What is genuine Revival
- How to pray for Revival
- Revivals Commitment
Rick Newton School of Evangelism:
- How to share your faith
- Building a church vision
- Getting back on coarse

Music Ministry
If you are interested in an amazing evening of praise and worship through testimony and song, prayerfully consider the ministry of “HIS”- to learn more, go to HISongs.com.
Testimonials about Rick’s ministry:
“Rick Newton has character. He inspires me every time I see him. He continually amazes me as he acts out his love for the Lord and shares his creative ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is one of America’s great ambassadors of the faith.”
Bill Sanders, Motivational Youth Speaker and Author
“The Cross of Christ is the most significant symbol of all, reminding us of what Christ sacrificed. Rick Newton has daringly carried the Cross around the world. People in desperate need of salvation are attracted to the cross. The church needs radicals for Christ. Rick certainly fits that description. I enthusiastically encourage you to get to know him and the ministry that God has inspired to work though him – a choice servant of God.”
Al DeBoer, Pastor, Community Bible Church, Pagosa Springs, CO
“ Rick Newton’s life is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The level of energy and excitement his life shows has extended throughout our church. His accounts of carrying the Cross around the world have inspired us to spread The Good News. He is now helping our church plan a mission trip…. He visits our jails here in Northeastern Kentucky, as well as carries the Cross on our city streets and country roads. With Rick’s preaching and Doreen’s singing, lives are being changed as lost people find hope and exsperience the love and salvation found only through Jesus Christ….. Rick and Doreen, being part of our church family, has truly been a joy and blessing!
David Daniels, Chairman of Deacons , First Baptist Church Flatwoods Ky.
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
“I thank God that Rick Newton heeded the Lord’s call and took up his cross to follow Him! He is a man carrying a literal cross and spreading the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ! God lit a fire that burns deep within Rick’s heart and he steps out in faith daily never worrying about where he will lay his head or what he will eat because he knows that the Lord will provide. I first met Rick when the Lord delayed him for a season (again, heeding the Lord’s call) to pastor a small church in Cheshire, MA. That season turned into more than 4 years, Praise the Lord! Rick preaches the Gospel with great passion and excitement. He is a prayer warrior unlike any other that I have been privileged to pray with. He is an exceptional communicator and can speak at any level whether it is to inmates in a jail or to royalty. God has prepared Rick for His service and you must not miss an opportunity to experience first-hand a man that is being used by our Lord. If you need someone to teach on evangelism or ministry please contact Rick; it will change your life. Most importantly please join me in praying for my brother and his wife Doreen as they faithfully serve the Lord wherever He leads them.”
LCDR Dennis Mohr, USN, Washington, DC