Transportation in Manila?

The three wheeled motorcycle, is a common means of getting around. It is an adventure though. You sit scrunched down in this little sidecar built for thee Filipino and hang on as your driver zips in and out of this vast sea of traffic. If you can picture New York City meets Mexico with a little of Rome thrown in you get the picture. But that’s the way many make their living. Well I want to tell you of just one of these drivers I met one day while caring the cross. I tell you, I loved this guy right from the start. He is about 30 years old, a little of what we might call simple or slow. He had this old beat up tryc. When he saw the Cross, he pulled right over to talk. In his beautiful way he told me how he loved Jesus. I’m telling you it brought tears to my eyes as he talked. He knew he was slow, but with such joy he told me what Jesus meant to him. How he knew the Lord had forgiven him. He also told me how people picked on him because of his faith and even the scars he has on his back from a beating he received in Mindanao. We shared together for quite a while, then had prayer. i prayed God would bless his little business and keep his bike running. I asked the Lord to prosper him and watch over him. Then I gave him a bunch of Jesus stickers which he put in the little cab of the sidecar, so his fares could see them. He was dirty, but I hugged him anyway, then shouldered the Cross and headed on knowing I won’t see him again till Heaven. Please pray for Jimmy! He is a dear brother and one of Gods special soldiers.

The message of the Cross to the philippine people

Manilla, one of the larger cities in the world! Unbelievable traffic, hordes of people, horns honking, all of the hustle and bustle of a major city and a 12 foot Cross with a message of hope! Doreen and I stepped out and carried the cross into the middle of all of this. We saw people surprised and stunned as they saw this large Cross being carried by a white man, but Oh how they received the tracks and stickers that share the message of God’s love. We saw people come out of their houses and businesses and road side stands eager to learn what we were doing. After about 1 mile of the indescribable noise of traffic and horns honking, we turned into a “neighborhood” where some of Manilas’ poor live in conditions that much of the world has never seen! The gracious Filipino people received us with smiles, kindness and offerings of cold drink. Adult and children would gather around the Cross to hear the message of Christ’s love for them. You could see the joy in their faces when we told them that God knows where they live, knows each of them personally and He loves them with all of His heart. In no time, we found that we had given out thousands of stickers and tracks. We rejoiced in thinking about how statisticians tell us that 3% of all people saved, are saved through a Gospel track. They say, a picture is worth a thousand words…

1st Sunday in Philippines

“Unity of Spirit”- one of the things that I have loved in all the years of carrying the cross around the world, is the immediate unity in the spirit with a brother or sister in Christ though they are a total stranger! Doreen and I truly experienced that Sunday, Feb. 19, once again when we discovered the fellowship of believers’ meeting in the hotel we are staying in! That immediate sense of family commonness of call and purpose that we all share the world over. Whether we speak a word in common or not, all stems from the fact that we share the same heavenly father. That to me is a miracle that is undeniable!

I know I will never forget the beauty of all of us kneeling beside the cross as we committed this new pilgrimage in a new country to the lord. Excitement, anticipation, love and the power of the holy spirit, all converged in that one moment of time as we knelt down beside the cross, prayed together and dedicated it to the Lord and it’s testimony of hope to the nation of the Philippines!

Pastor Jonathan, from the “the Lords disciples,” a church group that has just recently started meeting here at the “Kabayan Hotel,” laid hands on us and commissioned us to go out and preach the gospel in his dear country!

In the Philippines!

Hello from Manila Philippines!! Doreen and I have been here now for 48 hours and we have found the people here very warm, friendly and receptive and very eager to accept the tracks and stickers that we give out! We are looking forward to a beautiful time of ministry here among the wonderful people of the Philippines. Along with carrying the cross along it’s roadsides and villages, we are looking forward to visiting orphanages and other missionaries that are settled here doing God’s work!

We have already met delightful christians from other countries, like Australia. The Kabayan hotel that we are staying at in Manila is Christian owned and operated. They even have Christian music that we hear back home, playing in the lobby and dining area!

As you pray for us, we’ll share how He answers with you! Check back soon. God bless you, from the front lines! Rick and Doreen

It’s a New Year

Praise the Lord!! It’s a New Year.  A time of new beginnings, 2011 has been relegated into the anneals of history. What an amazing year it was. Doreen and I were able to share Christ in many different ways and places. In jails, roadsides, parks, churches. Always seeing lives touched and changed to the Glory of God.
This New Year we expect the Lord to do wonderful things. We are now preparing to leave for the Philippines, for seven weeks of caring the Cross, then on to Brizil, next will be the country of Chile for three months. If you are from those countries watch for us and the Cross, we would love to meet you…