When Doreen and I arrived in Manila six weeks ago we knew no one. Jesus had just said go, carry the Cross in the Philippines. I will open doors. So we went. Our second morning there we were having our devotions in the hotel cafe, when a gentleman walked up to our table and said ” I notice you praying together, I am Bishop Eduardo Fernandez, from Iloilo. I see you are Christians.” We told him yes we were, and invited him to sit down and join us. We talked for a bit and got acquainted. He asked why we had come to his country. I told him I was carrying a 12 ft. cross around the world sharing the Great news of Jesus’ love for all mankind and that I had began with the cross in 1975. Well, he got excited!! He then told us I am the Bishop over 110 Assembly of God churches and I want to invite you to come carry your Cross on my Island and share with my people. We agreed…. Now here we are, sailing into a new harbor to carry the Cross. Our prayer, ” Lord may we see many bow at the foot of the Cross and receive you as savior.”

The hunger for the Gospel was evident from the very start. Eduardo provided me with an interpreter. A wonderful young man named Tommy, who has a beautiful heart for the Lord and is an evangelist himself and a pretty good singer.

As soon as I brought the Cross out of the hotel, a crowd began to gather while I got it ready to go.. Then, as soon as I finished I stood and preached, sharing its message to the men that had gathered. They all listened intently When I asked who would like to give their life to Jesus Christ many of those men raised their hands and said they would. Tommy and I lead them in prayer, then he invited them to his church, the Lift Jesus Higher Ministries. Next we distributed our gospel material that would instruct them further, then, shouldered the Cross and headed on up the road to the city market place. Where people everywhere were buying, selling, trading. There are all kinds of vehicles and carts coming and going. An amazing scene…. Where again a crowd gathered around the Cross, I preached again, prayed with the nearly dozen that wanted to receive Jesus. Moved on about a half a block and did it again… So it went throughout the day. Later we found our way to the Town Park. Again as we gave out our Gospel tracts a crowd gathered. So nothing to do but preach. So I preached, gave an invitation, prayed with and counseled with those that responded.

Then just a little bit later I was able to share with the police in front of the police station as they gathered around the Cross. They had many questions and were excited to have the cross on their island….

A few minutes after that some young men went by with a guitar, stopped to hear the message of the Cross. We shared with them. Then Tommy borrowed their guitar and did some songs and we did a street service. It was great!! Doreen and I knew as that day ended that the Glory of the Lord had come to Iloilo. We were tired, hot, and rejoicing in all the Lord had done.
Please, let me ask you as you read this from all over the world, PRAY for us as we go, also pray for those we have reached. Then If you can help us even a little financially with a gift of $5 or $10. to be able to stay in the trenches on the front-lines for Jesus, we would be so GRATEFUL.. God will bless you for it! You can donate through Paypal by going to the Donate page on this website. Write me let me know you are really with us in this ministry. It would mean so much. GOD BLESS YOU !! Share this site with other friends… Check back, the story continues.