When the door opened for us to take the Cross and the Gospel message over to the island of Guimares, here in the Philippines, Doreen and I’s hearts jumped with excitement. We made our way to the docks along with our interpreter, Tommy, (who had been helping us there on the island of Iloilo)… The only way over to Guimares, this rainy morning was by outrigger canoe. So with the Cross in hand we walked the narrow gangway, got on board and set out through the storm. Our mariner friends, put a tarp up in front of us to block the spray and rain as we set sail… When we arrived at the little port, the local pastor met us with a 3 wheeled motorcycle taxi. Well, we smiled and tied the 12 foot Cross on the roof and the 5 of us jumped on. The driver, Doreen and I, Tommy and the Pastor. What a site!! Then we were off… Buzzing our way up the mountain, not stopping till we got to the parsonage, where the pastors wife was waiting. As the rain fell, we all got acquainted. What a wonderful time of fellowship. The pastor and his wife sang us some songs, then, Doreen sang some. We shared our testimonies, ate a little and prayed as the Glory of God just surrounded us… It was such a beautiful time!!!
After the rain stopped we headed out with the Cross. Stopping at the first house about half a kilometer away. When the family saw the Cross coming up the road they all came to the door of their house and eagerly listen as I shared the gospel story… Afterward I asked them if they would like to invite Jesus into their lives. They all said YES. So we prayed with them all as they gave their hearts to Jesus. We rejoiced together, and the pastor said he would be back to visit. Then just up the block was a pool hall. When we came upon it, I took the Cross off my shoulder and brought it in the door. Through Tommy, my interpreter, I shared again the Gospel message. All the men listened so intently and asked questions. With questions answered they all bowed their heads and prayed inviting the Lord into their hearts. That is how it went through the town. When we got to the center of the town we stopped at City Hall. Where the Vice Mayor came out to greet us and welcome us and the Cross to his island. We had prayer together for his people, as he was a believer in Jesus already. We walked through that town that day giving out our gospel tracts and stickers. The people loved them and received them so gratefully. At the end of the day the pastor, a wonderful man in his early 80s, said he would followup on all these people. Then he led us to his church, a beautiful tropical style building, half thatched, half brick. There we rejoiced together in an amazing day where we watched many people come to Christ.

Doreen and I hated to see this day come to an end. But we needed to start our journey back. So we loaded back up on a 3 wheeler and down the mountain we went, boarding a waiting canoe and headed back….
One thing I need to add, Guimares is renown, as having the sweetest Mango in the world… So if you like mangoes that’s the place to go… I just happen to be alergic to mango… Bummer…