I was carrying the Cross one day here in Colorado and had just sat down on a guardrail to take a short break. When this young soldier dressed in Camo about 24 yrs old pulled over, jumped out of his car and as he came back toward me. I got up to greet him and introduce myself. He said “I drove past you a little while ago on my way home. In fact I was almost home, but the sight of that Cross, as he pointed to where it was leaning… I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. So I had to turn around and come back and talk to you.” So we sat back down on the guardrail and talked. He knew Jesus in his heart, he was sure of that. But, the reason he stopped he said; he is deploying to Afghanistan in a few days and seeing the Cross “brings me Hope!” Of course he has all the concerns of any soldier deploying overseas in harms way… The family he leaves behind, the things he will see and do and his friends and comrades going with him. You could see this young man was growing up fast. We talked for quite a while, then I said “Son I am very proud of you. Can I pray for you?” He said “Please do”. So, I put my arm around him and prayed for him. Oh, I loved that young man! His courage. His faith. Blessed me so… I felt the Lord say to me, he will be alright, in fact he will be a great encouragement to his fellow soldiers. So I spoke that into his life and I told him what I felt The Lord say. Then, in that straight forward military way he said “Sir, thank you for being out here and for praying with me.” I looked deep into his clear sharp eyes as I shook his hand and said” God Bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and keep you may He give His angels charge and watch over you.” With that, he headed to his car and was off… I sat back down and smiled and thanked God for those of you who pray for me and help me financially to keep the Cross out here on the roadsides of the world. Just for people like that young soldier…
Right after that I got up shouldered the Cross and started on. Not 300 meters down the road another car pulled over. It was a news reporter with TV’s FOX 21 News. He said “Do you have a few minutes to talk?” “Yes” I said. He then told me “People are calling in all over the place saying there is a guy out here carrying a huge Cross… We want to do a story and find out what your doing!” I started to tell him. He said “Just a minute let me get my camera” Kurt got his camera out of the car and all setup. Then the interview went basically like this. Kurt said “Tell us what you’re doing out here with this huge Cross.” That was it. With that he let me talk. I shared the Gospel message and the importance of the Cross and how and why Jesus died on it the for us. Because, ” The wages of sin is death” and Jesus died in our place, and in all its forms for us. I shared how I had spent the first 20 years of my life not believing in God and all the anger and emptiness that was there and how through Jesus’ death on the Cross and faith in that, He changed my life. And now I am carrying the Cross around the world sharing with others that if your life is empty and needs a change He will come into your life, no matter what you have done, forgive and change you and any ones.. I shared some stories of bikers and others who have had their lives change through an encounter with the Cross. Kurt just kept saying “This is amazing, This is amazing!!!” and he just let me share… He filmed me walking, people honking and waving. When the story aired they had edited very little of it… it was Great! I had the privilege through that interview, to share the gospel with the whole region…. Before Kurt left he said “I think this is my favorite story I have ever done!”
Now let me ask you to do something right here, Pray for me and the message of the Cross as it goes forth… If you’re a believer don’t just read the stories and move on saying in your heart that’s nice. Pray for me! Right now…. Then Hit the Donate button, through Paypal or send a check to my address listed on the contact page. This way you can help keep the Cross on the roadsides of the world. Give $5, $10, $100 whatever you feel led of The Lord to help with. God will bless you for it… and because you will have the peace that comes from being a part of sending the Gospel message into all the World…Jesus in Mark 16:15 says” GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE… ” By Gods Grace that is what I have tried to do since 1975 when I began with the Cross… Let’s work together. Be part of the team!!!