Praise The Lord!!!! We are now back in the Hebrides.The Islands off the northwest coast of Scotland. They were the site of a Great Revival back in the 1940’s and 50’s. That revival, swept across these islands changing the lives, deeply, of thousands that lived here. Doreen and I were here for 5 days this past summer and carried the Cross and met so many people. We were so warmly received and therefore quite excited when we felt The Lord would have us return. This time to Carry The Cross around the whole Island of Lewis….
We have begun that walk, stopping to pray with any and all that want prayer for any reason. Some for Healing some for peace in their heart, some to be set free from different hurts, guilts, fears and habits… Whatever the need.. or, Revival again in our day.. Let’s see Jesus be Lord over The Hebrides again.. He is ready to do it, if we will just call on Him. After all He said, ” Call on me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty thing that you know not”. Jer. 33:3 AND, HE Meant it….