Hello! Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve written.
Evangelistic Ministries
Hello! Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve written.
Peru 2017
Peru is Located in The northern Andes mountains of South America. It’s vast and diverse geographic makeup varies from Hot and humid in the Amazon Basin to the cold almost moon like landscape of the Lima region.
Doreen and I spent three months there in 2017 carrying the Cross. We encountered so many people eager to talk and to hear what we were doing. We carried the cross in Mountain Villages, downtown Lima and along the Amazon River. We helped build kit houses, spoke in several schools, taught in a nationwide pastors conference, did radio shows, and fell in love with the children in the “NEW LIFE CHILDREN’S HOME” where we stayed. Doreen even gave haircuts and taught guitar lessons at the children’s home. All GLORY TO GOD!
On several occasions we witnessed, passed out Bibles, carried the cross and prayed with people on what they say is the busiest street in South America. We were told that over 300,000 people a day walk down that street named Gamorra. As I carried The Cross every couple hundred feet I would preach as a crowd would gather around. Through our interpreter, Christian, we prayed with a number of people, some to receive Jesus into their hearts. At one point, a lady approached us in tears, and requested prayer for her son. As we prayed with her, she wept and hugged our necks and thanked us for being there. As one man approached the Cross, he humbly shared how the sight of the cross stirred the memory of how the Lord had called him to preach many years before but he did not follow through with the call and with sadness, he recognized his disobedience. He wondered if the Lord would still want him to pursue that. We laid hands on him and prayed that The Lord would give him a fresh baptism of fire in his heart and clarity of his call. He left with joy and a new commitment to follow Jesus.
“I will take up my own cross” he said, “and do what the Lord wants me to do.”
Doreen had noticed that a young man had been standing with us and listening through that whole encounter. As she turned toward him to say hello, he excitedly exclaimed, “I would like to receive Jesus too!” What a joy it was to watch God work, you could literally see his countenance change and the joy flood his face as we counseled him and led him in a prayer to receive Jesus into his heart. All glory to God for great things He has done!!!
Amazon River.
Oh we saw the Glory of the Lord come down in the city of Iquitos. A bustling city of three wheeled taxis, honking horns, dust and dirt. Elmer met us at the airport when we flew in and was our translator, guide, taxi driver and friend, all rolled into one during our time there. His love for Jesus shone bright in everything he did. He took us out into the streets witnessing as I carried the cross. He arranged for us to share in several churches, helped us get water taxis to go down the Amazon river, took us out to restaurants where it was safe for us to eat…Whatever we needed he got it done!
The heat in Iquitos was always overwhelming but nonetheless, we went out with the cross every day and preached on street corners and witnessed one on one. Elmer would translate and would give invitations. We prayed with many to receive Jesus. In the churches we fellowshiped with some of the most precious people in the world. I would preach and Doreen would sing. The churches were in some of the poorest areas I have seen in the world but oh how sweet the people were. Many came forward for prayer. The hugs and embraces of love that we experienced filled our hearts to overflowing. I know Doreen and I will never forget our time there in Iquitos.
One day we chartered a boat that belonged to a pastor friend of Elmers and headed on farther down the Amazon river. We bought a 100 pound bag of rice and separated it out into 52 small bags and gave them away in each village we stopped in. We would unload the cross and carry it through each village giving out tracks and Jesus stickers, I would preach and then we would give out the rice. Then we would load the cross back up and head on down river to the next village. It was so wonderful seeing the response of the people. How eager they were to hear the message of Gods love and so grateful that we had come. Another day Elmer arranged for us to do an interview with the only Christian radio station in the Amazon basin. It was a great opportunity to share the gospel with the whole region! I shared about the ministry, they played several tracks from Doreen‘s and Dianne’s CD’s Hiisongs.com) and even asked Doreen to talk to the people and say a prayer! That was a blast. We had such a good time in Iquitos. Thank you Jesus! ☝🏾🙏🏼🌍⚓
Back at the orphanage, one night Doreen noticed one of the children staring at the slippers that she was wearing. It was a chilly evening and she wondered if the little girls feet were cold as she was running around in flip flops. The little girl pointed to Doreen’s slippers and then to herself as if asking for them. After talking about this incident, Doreen and I prayed and felt led to bless all the children and each staff member with a pair of slippers. I can’t begin to describe the adventure that that turned out to be! We needed to hire a taxi to take us to this shopping area which was an hour away and also find and hire an interpreter, not to mention, try to find a store that had 25 pairs of slippers in various styles and sizes. Oh but the joy on the faces of the children as they were given a pair of slippers hand picked for each one, it was beautiful. They all, including the workers, were so very happy and grateful. We prayed that it warmed their feet as much as it warmed our hearts to see them all with their slippers on. Glory to God!
Oooh Peru…. we left a piece of our hearts there. Time and space fails me to be able to write all the things I would love to share about Peru. The earthquakes, one entire family that prayed to receive Jesus, an elderly lady that chased me down the street weeping and asking for prayer, the Lord calling Doreen to sing the song that he gave her in Spanish (“the sinners’ prayer”) over the streets of Gomorra…The many nights that Doreen and I laid in bed and prayed for those that we had encountered. The sweet memories of Stories of other missionaries that Doreen read to us each night. Peru was definitely a special place and a special time for us both.
Peru is Located in The northern Andes mountains of South America. It’s vast and diverse geographic makeup varies from the humid tropics of the Amazon River Basin to the stark, barren, almost “moon like” landscape of the Lima region with very little natural vegetation, and dense Forests in between. But the warmth and the love of the people was unmistakable and they were what we had come to see anyway.
Doreen and I spent three months carrying the Cross and ministering there in 2017. We encountered so many people eager to talk and to hear what we were doing. We carried the cross in Mountain Villages, downtown Lima and along the Amazon River. We helped build kit houses, spoke in several schools, taught in a nationwide pastors conference, did radio shows, and fell in love with the children in the “NEW LIFE CHILDREN’S HOME” where we stayed. Doreen even gave haircuts and taught guitar lessons at the children’s home. All GLORY TO GOD!
On several occasions we witnessed, passed out Bibles, carried the cross and prayed with people on what they say is the busiest street in South America. We were told that over 300,000 people a day walk down that street named Gamorra. As I carried The Cross I would stop every couple hundred feet and as a crowd would gather, I would preach. Through our interpreter, Christian, we prayed with a number of people, some to receive Jesus into their hearts. At one point a lady approached us in tears and requested prayer for her son. As we prayed with her, she wept and hugged our necks and thanked us for being out there. As one man approached the Cross, he shared how the sight of the cross stirred the memory of how the Lord had called him to preach many years before but he did not follow through with the call. He wondered if the Lord would still want him to pursue that. We laid hands on him and prayed that The Lord would give him a fresh baptism of fire in his heart and clarity of his call. He left with joy and a new commitment to follow Jesus.
“I will take up my own cross” he said, “and do what the Lord wants me to do.”
Doreen had noticed that a young man had been standing with us and listening through that whole encounter. As she turned toward him to say hello, he excitedly exclaimed, “I would like to receive Jesus too!” What a joy it was to watch God work, you could literally see his countenance change and the joy flood his face as we counseled him and led him in a prayer to receive Jesus into his heart. All glory to God for great things He has done!!!
Amazon River.
Oh we saw the Glory of the Lord come down in the city of Iquitos. A bustling city of three wheeled taxis, honking horns, dust and dirt. Elmer met us at the airport when we flew in and was our translator, guide, taxi driver and friend, all rolled into one during our time there. His love for Jesus shone bright in everything he did. He took us out into the streets witnessing as I carried the cross. He arranged for us to share in several churches, helped us get water taxis to go down the Amazon river, took us out to restaurants where it was safe for us to eat…Whatever we needed he got it done!
The heat in Iquitos was always overwhelming but nonetheless, we went out with the cross every day and preached on street corners and witnessed one on one. Elmer would translate and would give invitations. We prayed with many to receive Jesus. In the churches we fellowshipped with some of the most precious people in the world. I would preach and Doreen would sing. The churches were in some of the poorest areas I have seen in the world but oh how sweet the people were. Many came forward for prayer. The hugs and embraces of love that we experienced filled our hearts to overflowing. I know Doreen and I will never forget our time there in Iquitos.
One day we chartered a boat that belonged to a pastor friend of Elmers and headed on farther down the Amazon river. We bought a 100 pound bag of rice and separated it out into 52 small bags and gave them away in each village that we stopped in. We would unload the cross and carry it through the village giving out tracks and Jesus stickers, I would preach and then we would give out the rice. Then we would load the cross back up and head on down river to the next village. It was so wonderful seeing the response of the people. How eager they were to hear the message of Gods love and so grateful that we had come. Another day Elmer arranged for us to do an interview with the only Christian radio station in the Amazon basin. It was a great opportunity to share the gospel with the whole region! I shared about the ministry, they played several tracks from Doreen‘s and Dianne’s CD’s ⚓
Back at the orphanage, one night Doreen noticed one of the children staring at the slippers that she was wearing. It was a chilly evening and she wondered if the little girls feet were cold as she was running around in flip flops. The little girl pointed to Doreen’s slippers and then to herself as if asking for them. After talking about this incident, Doreen and I prayed and felt led to bless all the children and each staff member with a pair of slippers, thanks to the help of our supporters. I can’t begin to describe the adventure that that turned out to be! We needed to hire a taxi to take us to this shopping area which was an hour away and also find, and hire an interpreter, not to mention having to find a store that had 25 pairs of slippers in various styles and sizes. Oh but the joy on the faces of the children as they were given a pair of slippers hand picked for each one, it was beautiful. They all, including the workers, were so very happy and grateful. We prayed that it warmed their feet as much as it warmed our hearts to see them all with their slippers on. Glory to God!
Oooh Peru…. we left a piece of our hearts there. Time and space fails me to be able to write all the things I would love to share about Peru. The earthquakes, one entire family that prayed to receive Jesus, an elderly lady that chased me down the street weeping and asking for prayer, the Lord calling Doreen to sing the song that he gave her in Spanish (“the sinners’ prayer”) over the streets of Gomorra…The many nights that Doreen and I laid in bed and prayed for those that we had encountered. The sweet memories of Stories of other missionaries that Doreen read to us each night. Peru was definitely a special place and a special time for us both.
Well, there are different ways to describe His blessings and we are just calling them winks right now, big and small! His mercies are new every morning right?! Well, we just want to share the beautiful mercies that God has been showing us even in the midst of the battle! Yes, the battle!! We know that He will never leave or forsake us but we also know that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood and the enemy does NOT want us out here sharing Gods grace and love!! Sometimes the obstacles are overwhelming, but yet what the enemy means for evil The Lord always uses for good!
Let me go back to 4 weeks ago when we first laid eyes on what is now our little “Holy Roller!” Rick and I were making due in the cargo van we had rented and The Lord definitely blessed along the way, with all the little things we found here and there in the charity shops, to make it our home! It was a wonderful month even living in a dark small box but soon our backs began to ache and we could not cook which would certainly save money even though we were only sharing 2 meals a day! I didn’t want to complain to The Lord because we really were grateful but I did ask The Lord to put a camper blatantly in our path if It be in His will to allow us better sleep and to be able to cook! The next day Rick was out carrying the cross and as he was walking by this car dealership, the man in the parking lot was surprised but very interested in what he was doing. Rick shared with him and then said that he just felt a nudge to ask this man if they happened to have a campervan for sale and Jason said, “yes, I sure do, in the back!” After Rick looked at it, he called me on the phone and said that he thought I should come look. As I drove in, I noticed the BMW’s and Audi’s and sports cars and I was thinking, “this doesn’t look like a place that would have an old campervan but there was Rick talking to Jason and as I got out of the cargo van, Jason just greeted me with and great big smile and handshake, thanking us for what we were doing! He excitedly showed us the VW campervan and said he would like to help us. Rick and I were reluctantly excited as well, wondering if this could be an answer from The Lord, though so quickly?! We told him that we needed to pray about it. We came to the decision that this was Gods hand and so we soon became proud parents! However, the next two weeks proved to be quite trying! We actually had come to question whether we had missed God! The van was in and out of the garage 3 times and though it wasn’t costing us money, it was costing us time and we wondered whether it was even able to be fixed since every time we got it back, it ran worse! This is where more of Gods little winks come in….
After much prayer, Rick and I decided that we would not look at the circumstances! We would just praise God in the storm and thank Him, for we knew this surely was from Him though the troubles were many!! (Psalm 46:1) So….The 3rd time that we brought the van back to the garage, meanwhile camping in their lot since we had no where to go, we decided to take the day and go into town to just get away! It was the coldest, rainiest day since we had arrived so we asked if there was a bus that we could catch into town. We were told that a bus stop was only about a half mile away so we bundled up, grabbed our umbrella and set out. Just as we were crossing the road to the bus stop, there went the bus!!! We missed it by 5 seconds and they only run on the hour! Rick decided that we would grab a cab since it was so cold and rainy. A few minutes later, we noticed a cab at the stoplight soon to head our way. Rick stepped out into the road to flag him down only to have him drive right by! We just looked at each other and shook our heads. Was this really happening?! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! Well, we noticed another cab at the light and as he was coming toward us, Rick stepped out again to wave him down. The cab started to drive past us again but pulled over a ways down. We walked up to him and asked how much it would be to bring us into town. He said, “£10-12” which is $18-20 for us! We opted to take it though it was only 3-4 miles into town! As I climbed in, I heard “amazing grace” playing so I asked him if that’s what it was?! He said, “yes” and so immediately Rick asked if he was a believer! The next 7-8 min. was filled with rejoicing and short but sweet fellowship! David shared with us how he wasn’t even a taxi driver and that’s why he almost passed us by, but he works in the office and decided to just grab one of the taxis to run into town to do an errand! He shared his excitement about the ministry so when he dropped us off he said, “this one’s on me!” (First wink…thank you Jesus!)
To be continued…tune in later for more “Winks!”
bless you,
Just received these pictures from my husband in Nicuargua. This picture shows the volcano “Momotumba” in the background. Rick has been there since Thursday and as you can imagine, he is thrilled!!! He is in his element, witnessing, sharing the love of Christ! He is carrying the Cross on average of 10 miles a day with Steve, a friend that he flew down with from N.C. Their journey started in Managua and are walking approx. 60 miles to Leon. Since I am learning how to find my way around the computer now, thanks to my beautiful friend, Dianne, who is a Web designer, I am just going to let you hear his words from the very first day of carrying the cross!
… “we had a great service tonight. so many they would not fit in the church. So they set up outside under a Mango tree.. Carlos did the translating they listened good. I preached 1Thes.2:4. this afternoon we carried the cross all around town. Thats where I prayed with the one man to receive Christ. We gave out hundreds of tracts prayed in peoples homes it was beautiful, even took the cross in. Tomorrow we have 2 young teens that want to walk with us. So I said yes…Their excited…We will be on the road by 7:30 am to beat some of the heat. each day its getting hotter. I have one blister dont want more. Been a great week of ministry. We hope to make Leon by Thurs Am at the latest.”
We continue to covet your prayers and praise God for the many hearts and souls that will be changed!