Down the mountain!

Hey everyone I’m back down the mountain. Safe, sound and sore. The most incredible week of my life. I Will write it up over the next few days. Thanks for being there in prayer for us.  Wait till you hear the stories.

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Preaching in Honiara


Deliverance right out of the enemy’s grip!

Wow, front-line evangelism at its best – Thank you Jesus!
Today, as Doreen and I were out with the Cross, I was preaching to a crowd of maybe 15-20 men. We noticed a younger crowd in their 20’s standing back with disturbed and questioning looks on their faces. After I preached and led some of the men in a prayer to receive Christ, one of the young men approached us with an angry confused look. I again shared the Gospel and how much God loved him and then asked if he’d like to pray and ask Jesus into his heart! He hesitantly said yes. After I led him in prayer, his furrowed brow lifted immediately and his eyes lit up and a smile came on his face. We watched his face transform before our very eyes! He had shared how thIs past week had been so hard for him and how much he was hurting inside and that he wanted to do evil. He was  crying in his heart for answers and help. He knew this was an answer to his desperate cry. We asked if he had a bible and if not would he like one? We said that we could get one for him and his smile got bigger! He then asked if he could walk with us so the next mile and a half, on our way to the bookstore, I gave him a crash course of the Old Testament and the purpose of the law, the New Testament and the purpose of Jesus’ coming as told in the Gospels and the book of Acts and the books that follow and the purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit. He hung on every word until we reached the bookstore where I bought him his very own bible. Please pray for Joe –
Keep praying, its making a difference.


Rick and Doreen

What a Day!

I preached easily 15 times. Many prayed to receive Jesus into their heart. No way to describe a day here in the Solomon Islands. Just the Glory of the coming of the Lord.  GLORY TO GOD!!!!! Beyond Description!!FullSizeRender_1 FullSizeRender_2 FullSizeRenderFullSizeRender_2 FullSizeRender_3

One day in Honiara

This day was off the charts,  as a day of ministry. Many received Christ. We had one lady that chased us down 1/4 mile for prayer. Many would come out of shops and I would preach. it was Amazing. I preached probably 12 different times. We prayed for healings and so many other things. Doreen is blown away. What a day!!!! Thank you Jesus.

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The Cross in the Solomon Islands

What an amazing first day with the Cross in the Solomon Islands. Beautiful people, open hearts, very receptive. I preached twice in the place pictured below. First time to about 25 men plus women and kids. Nine of the men prayed with us to receive Christ. One young man about 28 asked for a bible. They are scares here and cost about $20. But We will find him one. The men want me to come back and “teach” again. So we will gather at noon on Friday under the same tree. Doreen wasn’t able to get a picture that time. Then school got out and all these kids and parents gathered. So we shared again.

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We talked with hundreds of people yesterday and gave out almost a thousand Jesus stickers and tracts. Pray God multiply our supply of them. We prayed with many others for healing and other needs.

Thanks for praying
Rick and Doreen