Wow what can I say about Vanuatu? A small little group of islands in the South Pacific! The country was amazing! The reception they gave the Cross was indescribable. The timing of our arrival was impeccable. It could not have been more perfect. We flew in, not knowing at all what to expect. Nobody knew us, all we knew was God was sending us there to carry the Cross and to share his great love with this nation. The Reception we found there was truly amazing. We spent almost a month preaching and ministering to people of every background. Praying with people was a constant and watching God open door after door for us to share Jesus….Even the former President saw Doreen and I out with the Cross one day and pulled over and we prayed with him for his people and for revival in his country. (What a gracious gentleman he was!) We spoke on street corners, roadsides, vegetables markets, bazaars, in churches, in homes, I preached in a pool hall, in the university and we were even welcome to Parliament and Prayed with them there for their country. They thanked us for coming to Vanuatu with the Cross and honored us, giving Doreen and I beautiful sashes!.
Vanuatu, is a tropical island paradise by anyones standard. The people are as warm and gracious as any place I have ever been. Oh how they loved us and Oh how open and receptive they were to the Cross. It is only the second nation in all the world where I have been that I never heard one negative thing said to me or about the Cross. That is a pretty big compliment after 41 years of carrying the Cross around the world. They are truly a beautiful people!!! Always eager to hear about Jesus. We left much of our heart there with those precious folks.
Everywhere we would go Crowds would gather. I would share about Gods gracious love for each of us. How He truly cares about every thing in our lives! He knows each and every one of us. Our thoughts, our dreams, our hurts, hopes and our fears. That is why He has a personal plan for each one of our lives and Oh, how He rejoices over us as we learn to walk in the center of that plan. He can use anyone of us, black, white, educated, no schooling at all: whatever, because he’s a great God…. He loves showing what He can do through any life that will let Him have complete control! It’s not our ability, its His, we just need to be available!!!
: The Lord never fails to use the Cross! It truly is like a magnet, that draws people to it. Those people that are looking for answers in life and those that already know it’s testimony of great love. As crowds would gather, I would preach, every time praying with those that heard the message and wanted to ask Jesus into their heart. Then we would answer questions and talk and pray with people on an individual basis. After that Doreen and I would shoulder the cross and head on up the street till the next crowd gathered. Then go through the process again. When you see this time after time it gives you a little bit of a glimpse into what Jesus experienced when everywhere He went crowds would gather. Just wanting to touch him or the hem of his garment. We saw grown men with tears running down their face, as we shared the love of God. I tell you I could have spent many more weeks in Vanuatu with those precious people. Oh the Joy of watching the little children reaching out for the Jesus stickers we would give away! It truly blessed us!!!!
We also want to thank the whole Markward family for their hospitality and kindness to us and the Cross….
I also want to ask you to Please, pray about helping us to keep the Cross on the roadsides of the world by giving a one time gift that God can use to touch a life. And remember”You give that others may live eternally”. You can give by sending a check to PO Box 2 Lanesboro Massachusetts 01237 or simply going to the Donate page here on the website and give a gift by using PayPal. God bless you and thanks for helping us keep the gospel message on the road sides of the world! Working together we are making a difference!!