Kereoke beach revisited….
As we had promised, we went back to Kereoke beach, here in the Philippines, before leaving the northern part of the island. We knew we needed to be faithful to walk through the doors the Lord had opened for us to share the gospel with a few people we had met.
After squeezing into the three wheel motorcycle sidecar which was quite snug with Doreen and I, never mind the 3 others, we jumped on a jeepney (a small open backed bus with no windows that squeezes 10-15 people wherever they can fit) eager to test our knew language skills!! When you approach the place where you want to jump off, you just knock on the roof and yell “Para!” Upon arriving at Kereoke beach, we bailed out and stopped at the end of the palm tree lined driveway for prayer. We asked the Lord to bring to us, the two men that had begun to open up to us the day we arrived. As we walked in, we greeted the girls in the parking lot and the lady security guard that we had enjoyed visiting with during our stay there. Then immediately out of the office, came the owner. He seemed so moved that we had come back like we had promised! We picked up where we had left off several days before, about the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and not going to God through Mary or the church. He graciously received our witness this time, quite different from our first encounter. Just then, our Jewish friend showed up right on time! It all could not have been timed any better!
After the owner gave us two free bottles of coke, our Jewish friend, Tom (we’ll call him) asked Doreen and I to join him by the waters edge as we sat down on two skinny board benches. The first day that we had met Tom, he shook my hand, looked me in the eye and said, “You are a missionary? I want to talk to you!” He opened up about some challenges in his life and we talked about Jesus, who He was, and what He came to do. Tom said, “This is great! As a Jewish boy, we did not get this at temple!” This was a beautiful time together. As we sat there and shared for quite some time about the Lord, it began to get dark. Then the full moon came rising up out of the ocean! It was amazing!! It was the most beautiful witnessing situation ever! The only thing that would have made it “perfect” was if Tom had given his life to Jesus! He didn’t, but we planted many seeds that I believe, by God’s grace, will grow. Doreen and I planted them with all the love and care Jesus could put into our hearts.
We caught a Jeepney back to Uwe’s, to what turned out to be the concert night. After a beautiful dinner that Uwe had made just for Doreen (a German spaghetti), they got her to do a mini concert and Uwe even video taped it, which Doreen took full advantage of by sharing her testimony and song, “Because I love you”, along with several others. We found out the next morning that Uwe and Tommy had sat up until almost 3:00 in the morning listening to Doreen and Dianne’s CD and the video taped testimony over and over again! See (
We will never forget our friends in Liloan and Uwe’s hospitality and kindness!! We count him as our friend!!