Plymouth Rock – end of the trail!

Plymouth Rock  dated 1620 Where the Pilgrims landed in the New World….
The ending place of my Massachusetts Pilgrimage  of Prayer for Revival !!!!

Doreen and Dianne aka. ~ HiS ~  Sing at The Rally at The Rock

Amazing Prayer Partner at The Rock

One Reply to “Plymouth Rock – end of the trail!”

  1. There is no money better spent, in the name of our Lord and savior, the only one, King of all Kings, leader of all, one book of truth, Jesus Christ! Has your church let you down? Has your government let you down? Has your own family let you down? This is the “real deal” carrier of a 12ft cross across the great land of ours spreading the good news of salvation. The LOVE of Jesus Christ. It’s time to act, no tomorrow, reach out, lets all say “Thank you Jesus for dying for us” He went all the way! Please keep the guy going.

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