
imageIMG_2319imageimage Wow what can I say about Vanuatu? A small little group of islands in the South Pacific! The country was amazing! The reception they gave the Cross was indescribable. The timing of our arrival was impeccable. It could not have been more perfect. We flew in, not knowing at all what to expect. Nobody knew us, all we knew was God was sending us there to carry the Cross and to share his great love with this nation. The Reception we found there was truly amazing. We spent almost a month preaching and ministering to people of every background. Praying with people was a constant and watching God open door after door for us to share Jesus….Even the former President saw Doreen and I out with the Cross one day and pulled over and we prayed with him for his people and for revival in his country. (What a gracious gentleman he was!) We spoke on street corners, roadsides, vegetables markets, bazaars, in churches, in homes, I preached in a pool hall, in the university and we were even welcome to Parliament and Prayed with them there for their country. They thanked us for coming to Vanuatu with the Cross and honored us, giving Doreen and I beautiful sashes!.IMG_2208

Vanuatu, is a tropical island paradise by anyones standard. The people are as warm and gracious as any place I have ever been. Oh how they loved us and Oh how open and receptive they were to the Cross. It is only the second nation in all the world where I have been that I never heard one negative thing said to me or about the Cross. That is a pretty big compliment after 41 years of carrying the Cross around the world. They are truly a beautiful people!!! Always eager to hear about Jesus. We left much of our heart there with those precious folks.IMG_2132image

Everywhere we would go Crowds would gather. I would share about GIMG_2138ods gracious love for each of us. How He truly cares about every thing in our lives! He knows each and every one of us. Our thoughts, our dreams, our hurts, hopes and our fears. That is why He has a personal plan for each one of our lives and Oh, how He rejoices over us as we learn to walk in the center of that plan. He can use anyone of us, black, white, educated, no schooling at all: whatever, because he’s a great God….  He loves showing what He can do through any life that will let Him have complete control! It’s not our ability, its His, we just need to be available!!!IMG_2307

: The Lord never fails to use the Cross! It truly is like a magnet, that draws people to it. Those people that are looking for answers in life and those that already know it’s testimony of great love.  As crowds would gather, I would preach, every time praying with those that heard the message and wanted to ask Jesus into their heart. Then we would answer questions and talk and pray with people on an individual basis. After that Doreen and I would shoulder the cross and head on up the street till the next crowd gathered. Then go through the process again. When you see this time after time it gives you a little bit of a glimpse into what Jesus experienced when everywhere He went crowds would gather. Just wanting to touch him or the hem of his garment. We saw grown men with tears running down their face, as we shared the love of God. I tell you I could have spent many more weeks in Vanuatu with those precious people. Oh the Joy of watching the little children reaching out for the Jesus stickers we would give away! It truly blessed us!!!!

We also want to thank the whole Markward family for their hospitality and kindness to us and the Cross….

I also want to ask you to Please, pray about helping  us to keep the Cross on the roadsides of the world by giving a one time gift that God can use to touch a life. And remember”You give that others may live eternally”. You can give by sending a check to PO Box 2 Lanesboro Massachusetts 01237 or simply going to the Donate page here on the website and give a gift by using PayPal. God bless you  and thanks for helping us keep the gospel message on the road sides of the world!   Working together we are making a difference!!



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Doreen’s shares her Heart on Missions


Treating a Kwaio woman's foot
Treating a Kwaio woman’s foot




The mission field…
Is there ANYTHING more beautiful than seeing spiritual eyes open for the very first time?!! The scales drop away and the light of the glorious gospel enters in!!! I truly (and of course, speak for Rick as well), can’t think of anything that compares!! Yes, there are many hardships and I will admit there are times when I want to pack it in and run home to the many comforts, but then there we are, once again out on the streets sharing the only truth that really matters!! It’s actually quite easy, comparatively, here in the Solomon’s because they, like we used to be, are a Christian nation, hungering for the things of the Lord!! Oh, the stark reminder is before us daily!! They just went through a revival in the 70’s and though the memories are slowly fading, the evidence is still obvious, such as an acknowledgement, respect and a love for the Cross and what Jesus did for us!!
Like in the Hebrides, the children of the revivalists honor their parents and talk about growing up in a home where, after salvation, the JOY was never ending for years! The presence of the Lord was so palpable! They remember the singing and praising that would go on through the night and without any sleep, the people would go to work the next day with a skip in their step and a song in their hearts! Then they’d do it all over again the next day!! In the book about the revival, “fire in the islands,” they speak of cannibals who gave their hearts and lives to Jesus and lived peaceably the rest of their lives honoring and praising the Lord!! Repentance, honesty and forgiveness penetrated the hearts of the Solomon people!
Remission of sins…If one lied to another, they would quickly repent and go to that person and ask forgiveness! Oh Lord, come down once again in Holy power! At least they are not ashamed of the gospel!!! Their newspaper, “the Solomon star,” did a full page on Ricks journey up to Kwaio and also on the next page was a beautiful article about King David! They will be doing a second article on Saturday! Tell me, which is really the free country?!!!!!
The indifference in America and other countries is stark compared to a hungry people, hanging on every word taught from Gods word!!!
Life on the mission field, foreign or domestic, is filled with heartbreak and Joy, hardships and love, connectedness and separation! Heartbreak for the people who don’t know and may never taste the Love and goodness of our Lord and instead, will be separated from Him for all eternity! Joy in the unity and love that is shared (a connectedness) between brother and sisters in Christ who were just strangers 5 min before, and knowing that we may not see each other again this side of heaven but our hearts dance together knowing we WILL meet again!! Hardships yes but Gods grace is then even more apparent!! He says, “I am with you even to the end of the age!” No we aren’t facing severe persecution and those saints are truly the heroes but we all have Crosses to bear as we step out, not in our own strength but His!!

Our prayer…Father,
We humbly call on your name and seek your face! Come in manifest presence! We pray for all who do not know you yet! Open their eyes Lord that they may taste the sweetness of your love, the cleansing power of your blood, forgiveness and peace that passes all understanding and the life-giving joy that abides with you for eternity through salvation!!!




As the darkness was gathering over Kwaio Mountain, the locals made their way from their thatched roof huts for the Pig Roast and the nights ceremonies. From the door of my hut I watched in stunned silence as a whole village came out to honor the Cross and the white man that had made such an effort to come up the mountain to share with them. In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined such a thing. Yes, I had talked and prayed with many and listened to their hearts. I had hugged and embraced some who had never seen a white man. I had stood under a tree with the chief for a long while and listened to his hopes and desires for his people. I had told him of friends in America and other places, that I knew and believed would be willing to bring or send help because of the Love the Lord had put in their hearts. I remember him looking in my eyes searching to see if I spoke true. At the end he shook my hand and with one long last look in my eyes, he thanked me….

Now, this night they are gathering to show their kindness, gratitude and their deep desire to honor this man with the Cross.

For the evenings events, they had brought out the generator and strung lights, which they do not do much because gas has to be carried in and up that mountain. This was a sacrifice and I knew it. Then after everyone had gathered and where seated on mats or rocks and logs, they came and got me. At this point I still did not know totally what they were planning, all I knew was that we were going to be exchanging gifts. Then as I came out of my hut, the village applauded and shouted. I was definitely shocked and stunned at this display of love. With tears in my eyes they led me to a table  that they had set up for me. They brought me a plate of taro root, cassava and a sweet potato. As we finished that, everything else began.

Over the PA system powered by the generator, Robert welcomed and greeted everyone. With the few lights we had, I could barely see the crowd that faded out into the night but you could sure hear them.IMG_1974
The next thing that happened blew me away!! The Chief came forward with his children and with Robert holding the microphone, the Chief thanked me for coming to Nanakinnimai, his village. “Thank you”, he said, “for bringing the Cross and showing so much concern for my people. That concern is the heart of a chief” and with that he put this beautiful 70 year old Chiefs medallion around my neck and made me a chief of the Kwaio people. The medallion is solid stone sanded smooth  with the symbol of the Kwaio people carved in it. (See the pic)  Next his oldest daughter put around my neck another beautiful medallion, called the Queens medallion, for Doreen though she was not there. (I sure wish she could’ve been there with me as I know her heart beats the same as mine!) It is about 50 years old and a little smaller than mine. (You can see it on me in the pic) Then the next daughter down brought and hung around my neck a long strand of their shell money which is still valid in the Solomon’s today. Next, the Chief’s son brought his dad his War Club. He then presented it to me and said,  “I present this to you because I believe you will fight for my people. We need help, we need school supplies, medical supplies, electricity and more. I give you my club to fight for us”.
By this time tears are running down my face.  I thanked him and told everyone how honored I was and that I will help send supplies to them. Well the whole crowd erupted with cheers…. Then I picked up my gift to present to the Chief, a copy of The Bible, Gods Word! I told him, “Chief, you have given me your War Club, I now give you a sword! A weapon that, if you learn and use wisely, you can defend your people from the attacks of the devil who would destroy you if he could. So we this day exchange weapons. But this book is the greatest power in the universe. Honor it, learn it and teach it to your people.”
I presented many other things to different people there that night but I think most of all I gave them my heart and they gave to me, theirs.
The singing, dancing and festivities went on till 1Am. It truly was a beautiful night. I dropped into bed exhausted but laid there in wonder as I thought of all that day had held. Thank you Jesus!!
Contact me if you want to help the Kwaio people in any way. Tell me if the Lord puts something on your heart or if you would like to go back with me next year. I have already bought some school supplies and have gotten some medical supplies but it’s just the beginning of all we could do working together. I have sent them back up the mountain to show them my heart is true and that we will help. Join me! It will bless you more than you can imagine. Just say, “Jesus, here am I send me!”
Till then please keep us in prayer and as always Thanks for Holding The Rope! Luke 9:23-24
Feel free to forward on to other who might want to be a part of this outreach…

Kwaio village Pig Roast

IMG_1936 IMG_1947IMG_1949  Later, the same day that I spoke in the school and doctored the dear ladies foot from the pagan village, I saw one of the villagers carrying a big pig over his shoulder. I found out then that it was for the pig roast they were going to have in honor of the Cross coming to their village. While they were preparing the pig, Robert took me on a tour of the village. I met his sweet parents and visited with them for a while. When we saw the smoke from the fire at the kitchen hut we headed back. They were already throwing chunks of meat into the fire, right amongst the coals and ashes which is the way they cook.  Being the guest of honor, they presented me with what they considered the best piece…the snout and top row of teeth and jaw, about 8-10 inches long. Yum!! or yikes!!  When the meat was cooked, we fished out the chunks with a stick or the bush knife, brushed off the ashes and put it on a banana leaf (our plate) and Bon Appetite!! I used my pocket knife to dig the meat out of the gums and jaw, lucky me! Then they prepared the fire for the big slabs of meat. It was interesting how they did it. They built 3 layers of logs over the fire and then threw big boulders on top. As the wood burned, the rocks would heat up and soon fall into the fire. They then laid the slabs on the rocks. When they were cooked, the rest of the village feasted.

Robert’s dad came over to visit with me while we cooked. We had a wonderful talk, through an interpreter. He shared how he had come to Christ and then moved with Roberts mother to this village, Nanakinnimai. He had been a witch doctor and chief of the pagan village before he gave his life to Christ in the revival there 50 years ago.  He shared a story about a medical missionary who had been killed by the Kwaio people back in the late 1920’s. The beautiful thing that touched my heart so deeply was that the next morning he was waiting for me outside my hut when I got up because he felt that he had misled me in relaying the story of the missionary. It happened before he was born but the memories were so vivid in his childhood because it was talked about so much! He felt so bad about it sounding like he was actually alive when it happened that he felt like he had lied to me and could not sleep all night until he apologized to me!!! What a beautiful and sensitive heart. He loved Jesus so and would not offend his Lord by misleading me even a little! He had to make that right before I left!  We could all learn from his wonderful example.

What happened that night,  I am still in awe of…words fail me to convey what happened next. So, stay tuned, I will post that soon. IMG_1942
Right now we are in Vanuatu winding up the walk here. Keep praying, it too has been amazing!
 If you’re not familiar with our ministry you can learn a little more there. If you would like to help, it will tell you how or maybe be a part of the next trip to bring more bibles, school and medical supplies  and teaching to the Kwaio people! To all of you who continue to be a part of the supply line and are praying for us, thanks for holding the Rope!!!

Please feel free to forward on to others.

Later in the Day

IMG_1933 In the afternoon of the same day I spoke in the school (in my last write up), this dear lady came over from the “pagan” village, (about a 45 minute hike over the next ridge), to meet the white man that had come up the mountain with a huge cross. IMG_1935Since they still run naked in their village she grabbed some clothes, got dressed and came to Nanakennimai village where I was. Through my interpreter we visited. I shared with her of Jesus’ love and meaning of the cross. She listened and seemed to take it in. Then I noticed her limping. She told me she had a bad cut on top of one of her toes. I checked and sure enough it was infected and hurt her terribly. Of course the village had no clinic or medical supplies so I had her sit down and I grabbed my bottle of drinking water and washed her foot. Doreen had sent me out with a little bottle of hand sanitizer so I cleaned the cut with it using my clean paper towels.  I had a little tube of antibiotic cream that I keep in my cross bag so I put that on it and since there was no gauze or band aids, I wrapped the toe in Paper towel strips and used my Jesus stickers to hold it on with. That’s the best I could do!! Then I prayed for her foot, asking The Father to heal her in Jesus name. I hugged her, told her to keep it clean and then she was off. I prayed for her several times as I thought of her but that was it. Now jumping ahead a little out of sequence…Saturday a week ago, our last day in the Solomon’s, Robert shows up for what became a big exchange ceremony with a Chief from the pagan village who had come down the mountain naked as a jay bird to meet the white man that washed and treated his grandmothers foot. Robert had to give him a lava lava to wrap around him, as you see in the picture below. What’s amazing is, that he made that 12 hour trek down to Honiara and came and presented to me his War club. (You can see me holding it in the picture… I will also post a couple other pics of this event). He also presented to Doreen, a hand woven basket. (he has around his neck in the pic).
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At that same ceremony, I presented a case of medical supplies, a big case of school supplies and ten more picture Bibles. I told them by faith, that I know the Christians that follow the Cross would have me do that and that they would help!  I went ahead and bought the supplies to give then rather than try to ship them back later. Because they need it NOW!!   Thank you so much to all of you who have been holding The Rope for Doreen and I. All of us working together, are,  making a difference in lives around this world!!!!



Helping the Kwaio People

Ooo as I climbed out of bed my second day on the mountain, EVERY muscle in my body screamed with disapproval, but the Joy and excitement of the day ahead of me drove me forward! First thing, I was able to speak to all the students assembled out side of my hut, all 72 of them! Praise God!!!! As I shared the immense Love that Jesus has for them, they listened so very intently, as you can see on there faces in the pictures.


With great Joy I told them that He knew exactly where each one of them lives and every thought they’ve ever had. The fears, the feelings of insignificance and the questionings in their hearts, “does God or anyone care about me”… I tell you, the presence of the Lord was there, touching their hearts and revealing His Love to them. It was so pure and beautiful! It was a chance of a lifetime to see children and youth that had not been tainted by our society’s cynicism. Then many of them prayed with me to ask Jesus to come into their hearts….


After the assembly, Robert took me to each class to meet the children personally. I was stunned with what I saw!! I saw a people hungry to learn and be taught but with an appalling lack of supplies! They are Kwaio People, a forgotten tribe way up in the mountains, far away from civilization! (Out of sight, out of mind)They don’t seem to count to the government or anyone else! No supplies ever make it up to them because they don’t get past the villages at the bottom! The teachers do their best with what they have! 8 kindergarteners assemble under a building…In the 1st to 3rd grade class, 2 grown men are learning to read, (from the “Pagan” tribe, the next village over). They bring clothes, get dressed for school and strip back down when they head back to their village. I visited all 8 classes, had prayer with them, including their first six students that are about to sit for their finals and hopefully be the first to graduate from the Kwaio school!! After that experience, I determined by Gods grace, that I would send them books and supplies! World Vision has them in their 15 year development plan, but they are the last on the list. Hopefully after showing them the pictures I took they will try to move them up the list. There is so much more to tell! I look forward to sharing the rest of the story with you all but meanwhile, please keep Robert and the beautiful Kwaoi people in your prayers!! Then, stay tuned for the next post. What happened that night blew me away.

You have made history

Robert bracing the Cross in Dugout to the interior.

By 6:30 the next morning we had our supplies loaded in the dugout canoes to start into the interior and to the base of the Mt. The climb would take 4 hours, rising to an elevation of 2935 ft. (Temperature in the low 90s humidity almost 100%.) After unloading the Cross, we passed through a few little villages where I would share and Robert would interpret. I gave out gospel tracts and witnessed to those we passed on the trail. As we started our vertical climb, we all agreed it best to break the cross down and put it into the bag to make the grueling journey.


However, we probably only made 500 yards and the men said that they had to put it back together!! They desperately wanted it to be seen openly on the trail so that everyone they met would know what it was!! As I made my way, stopping often to catch my breath, I would watch the men up ahead climbing the cliffs and passing the cross to one another with such tender care!! It was so Beautiful!!! Once we made the crest of the mountain and I got my first view of the village I told Robert I wanted to stop and catch my breath so that I wouldn’t walk in winded and not be able to greet the people properly! But I tell you it was beautiful!!!



Our first view, we could see all these people waiting on the hill for the white man with the cross. Enlarge picture 4 and you can see some of them. What I didn’t know, is that they were only the welcoming party to take me to the rest of the village. Of course, the warriors jumped out of the bushes, which was a bit startling!! But oh the welcome they had for the Cross! “We welcome you and the cross to Nanakennimai” they said. You have made history today Robert told me. The first time the cross is brought to our village. Then the children put flower Leigh’s around my neck. Next this marching band (bamboo sticks hitting on books and things) sang me through to the village center where I greeted the chief and the village elders. Though still very tired they had me preach. I shared about the Cross and why Jesus died for us! Eight people including 3 of the warriors prayed to receive Jesus!!! That was worth every step up that mountain!!!! I met with the Chief right after the ceremony and we talked about the needs there.


They let me rest through the afternoon and around 4:00 I went down to the river with one of the other men for a bath.
That evening, we had a huge service in their chapel and even some of the “pagans” from one of the other villages brought clothes to dress for the service. I preached again with Robert interpreting and several responding for salvation including 2 of the Pagans, Praise the Lord!!! After that, the people asked questions till almost 11:00.
Needless to say, I dropped into bed that night exhausted but rejoicing and thanking Jesus for an AMAZING DAY.!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

Down the mountain!

Hey everyone I’m back down the mountain. Safe, sound and sore. The most incredible week of my life. I Will write it up over the next few days. Thanks for being there in prayer for us.  Wait till you hear the stories.

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