Greetings in Jesus wonderful Name!
Hey guys, we are just jumping in to say hi. Also we wanted to update you a little bit of what’s going on with us. We have some Prayer needs and decisions now that we could use your help lifting us up as we make them.

That being said It has truly been a full year already for which we are grateful. February we celebrated 40 years since 1975 when I first shouldered the Cross at the House of The Rising Sun, at Mardi Gras, New Orleans. Thousands of miles and thousands of memories later we are still going and still Praising The Lord!!! I got some battle scars along the way, but, I would certainly rather burn out for the Lord than rust out. We have been on the road now for a couple of months on the east coast of America sharing JESUS and ministering all that we can. Of course we rejoiced to do the Prayer for Spiritual Awakening Seminar at our home church in Massachusetts in January. But, I do love being on the open road again with the Cross and watching the Lord touch lives.The Cross bring such great hope to so many. In South Carolina many people were pulling over to talk and pray. One after another, constantly it was beautiful. One man with a drinking problem, and though he attended church regularly, he could not get the victory over it. But, after we prayed and I shared how the life of the Lord Jesus, can be released in us, and just how it works out in our lives. After that he pulled away with a whole new hope and joy. Then another day this lady pulled over in tears and literally was trembling needing to talk and share. I called Doreen, who was only about a block away and she drove straight there and was able to minister to this dear lady and pray with her in our van and encourage her. It really touched her life at a time of great need. Also I’ll share later an excerpt from a letter we received this morning from another couple that we ministered to, while in South Carolina and how God used Doreen to touch their lives.

It’s been great to carry the Cross and minister here in Kentucky. We have been here now for the last 3 to 4 weeks. Last week while out with the cross, I had a young man in his early 30s pullover who had a drug problem that he couldn’t get on top of. He pulled over with tears and weeping and we prayed together and he begged Jesus to come into his life and set him free. He was broken over the disappointment he saw in the eyes of his children. So We prayed right there at the back bumper of his truck.

Then last Thursday, Doreen and I got to visit and minister in the jail here. Praise the Lord what a wonderful day of ministry we had. Seven of those young ladies prayed with us to receive Christ and for him to be in them, all that He is. They are excited about us coming back this week. After we left the jail, Doreen and I dropped off copies of her CDs to a lady that was in the jail the last time we came through and she was so blessed by Doreen’s music that she asked for a copy when she got out. So we brought it to her house. Doreen brought her guitar and sang some songs and we fellowshipped with her and her parents, it was a beautiful afternoon. We had prayer with them and then we had to head on.
Here is the excerpt from the testimony letter we got this morning I told you of.
“Rick, We cannot thank you enough for the inspiration of your ministry and the counseling and support Doreen provided for ( name omitted ). Unburdened by her past guilt, (name omitted) once-again she is the happy, fun-loving bride I married nearly 32 years ago.” (Signed)
Isn’t that sweet? And beautiful?

Your prayers and support is what enables us to stay in the trenches for Jesus. Thank you!! We are a team, all of us.
Keep looking up He’s Coming!
If you want to help donate here Or you can write to at PO Box 2 Lanesboro, Ma. 01237 USA.
From the Front Lines,
Rick and Doreen Newton
Gal. 6:14