When God Winks !!

Winks continued…

After the borrowed taxi driver dropped us off, remember we were needing refreshment from a very arduous 2 weeks which actually felt like 2 months, we started up the Main Street in chippenham, briefly ducked in a charity shop and on our way back out we heard preaching! We noticed this beautiful black brother preaching in the street. We stood quietly listening for a little bit and then went up to shake his hand and thank him for his obvious love for The Lord and the sharing of his gift!


He started to cry and shook our hands and thanked us so much for the support and encouragement! (What a tender heart!) We went on our way and told him that we would be back by after we ran a few errands and if he was still there, we could fellowship more! Joseph was still there about a half hour later and so then he asked if he could take us for a cup of tea or coffee. After 2 hours of joyous fellowship and some wonderful coffee, we did not want to part ways so he asked if he could give us a ride back to our van to see if it was finished. Though the rain continued and the van still was not ready, our hearts were celebrating the warmth of new friendship and joy of sharing our love for our amazing, loving papa!! Joseph suggested we go to dinner to continue this fellowship! He blessed us with the dinner and then took us to pick up the van which was almost finished but one of the parts was the wrong part so we had to wait yet another day. The next morning, the part had arrived early and they put it in and sent us on our way. We called Joseph to see if he wanted to meet us for a farewell coffee. Though he faithfully preaches in a variety of different villages weekly, he said that he wanted to take the day off to spend with us! Again, what a day we had!! He showed us around the village of Trowbridge and we all just thoroughly enjoyed each other’s fellowship! After we blessed him with lunch, I asked if he felt led to preach at all this day?! He chuckled and said that he was just wanting to enjoy our fellowship but as we approached the spot where he stands to preach, we all sensed the spirit nudging and he began to preach! I stayed off to the side and sang softly and prayed while Rick stood closer to Joseph and prayed and made himself available to The Lord! Soon, two men approached and were so very excited as they had sensed The Lord was doing something! The younger man started to talk with Rick as Joseph continued to preach. Rick ministered to him for almost an hour and after they prayed together, I heard him say that he was so overjoyed, as he has been longing for guidance and a mentor to help with some of his questions! That one hour, as we all shared the love of Jesus on that street corner, the sprint descended and we knew God had winked!!

The Cross in Old England

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Well, here we are in England! Actually, after 3 weeks of searching for what is now our home on wheels and learning how to drive on the left hand side of the road with the steering wheel on the right and the stick shift on the left, we are making our way west across England headed towards Wales! We couldn’t find an affordable campervan or motor home yet, so we made our own out of a rented cargo van! Rick had a piece of 3/4″ plywood cut and made a platform in the back for our air mattress to sit on the wheel wells and therefore we can store all our luggage and things underneath so as to make a small bit of floor space. It’s really quite funny and interesting how The Lord has led us to various things to help make it functional and somewhat comfortable…as you see in the pictures, we found a small, what they sell as a “greenhouse”, but which we use for shelves for our clothes and things! The plastic covering that zips open and close actually helps to keep SOME of the dampness away from them and also keeps things from sliding off the shelves! (It’s so damp and rainy here all the time so everything feels wet!) We met some lovely Christians the first week we were in England and frequented there little church through the Easter season. They helped us in many ways, especially with their love and hospitality! After we got our van they also helped us with things like plates, pot and pans, pillows, towels, a comforter and my favorite, a small “single burner” camper stove that comes in it’s own little carrying case! That has truly been a “God send” since the evenings have been so cold and damp! I could go on and on about all the little things The Lord has provided to make our little house on wheels, a home!! No, it certainly isn’t easy but each day I remind myself of what Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has no where to lay his head!”photo 2
The response to the Cross has been interesting here! They are so “rich and increased with goods” that so many have truly forgotten from where their blessings come! This truly is the dark continent! We are finding that there is a small remnant of believers but just that, “small”! Rick carries the cross almost daily, in between the rain drops as much as possible! lol! We’ve had many beautiful encounters and many opportunities to share with people on the street but overall the people seem indifferent, in fact, many share that they just don’t believe in God at all and 50% will not even receive a tract! It seems to be consistent, however, to the vision The Lord gave us just before we arrived here, that this trip will be more of an “encouragement to the saints” to pray for Revival for their country! Just the other day we met a delightful man in his late 70’s who was so thrilled to see the Cross being carried on the streets of his little village! He shared his discouragement too,of the lack of openness and receptiveness of this generation, though he forges on doing his part and being faithful! He and Rick bowed their heads together right on Main Street and prayed for Revival! In spite of his concern, he had a beautiful glow and joy of The Lord about him! We fell in love with him and took him to share a spot of tea together! Thank you Lord for that little solitaire light in the darkness!!
Ricks post…(May 9)photo 3
One thing that happened today that was quite interesting was that a truck driver saw me and just stopped in the middle of the highway, then pulled over to my side of the road, blocking traffic, and rolled down his window to find out what I was doing. I shared the message of the Cross and he did receive the witness very eagerly while seemingly indifferent to the long line of cars backing up behind his rig! We had a wonderful visit and he promised me that he would read through the tract that I agave him. Just as he was pulling away he said, “who knows, maybe someday you’ll see me carrying a cross down the road the other direction!” That was an encounter we both needed! Thank you Jesus!!….. I do want to share….. The Lord has given us a real Love for this country and it’s people. England and all of the UK has seen many powerful men and moves of God. The Wesley brothers, Charles Spurgeon, the great Welsh Revival under Evan Roberts and others. It’s time again for a New Work and move of God. Christians need to press on past the fear of mans opinion and take the gospel message into the market place and be lovingly bold. While we can… We need to work while it’s day, For the the night is coming when no man can work. The hour and time is urgent but many a church is not. They have become like people straightening pictures in a burning house, busy about the wrong things! We need to Repent! We are Gods children but we lack His heart! When was the last time you or your church genuinely saw a real convert come to Christ? Many of our messages lack the power to convict the heart. There is sin in our churches and therefore sin in our communities. We need to pray earnestly, Lord as you did it under Wesley, as you did it under Spurgeon, as did it under Roberts, Do it again, Do it again! Lord wilt thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee? Psalm 85:6. As I walk and carry the Cross through this land, Jesus has burdened me to pray for a genuine Revival and to call His church here to prayer and I want to pray with as many believers as I can, right on the streets of their home towns and villages…photo 1
Yes, The Cross is a powerful witness and Testimony, all by its self. Without me saying a word, but when people see someone carrying a huge Cross it touches them deeply. The other day a young man who saw the Cross from a restaurant/pub window was so moved when he seen it he came charging out the door to hear the story, as he did, he was moved to tears as the impact of the Cross hit him squarely in the heart. I know to some the preaching of the Cross is to them foolishness but to others it is the power of God unto salvation. Please, if you can in anyway help us financially, it will help keep the Cross out here on the roadsides of the world touching lives of those who encounter it. If you can send a check to Rick Newton Evangelistic Ministries at PO Box 2 Lanesboro Ma. 01237. Do it right now. Don’t put it off, Or give through Paypal on the donate page of this website. Just so you know the Dollar is weak against the British Pound and it is hard on us. We share meals where we can and just sleep on the side of the road and not in campgrounds to cut corners and be good stewards of Gods money. But we are touching lives; be apart of it, however you can…. God Bless you, we Love you! From the Front-lines, Rick and Doreenphoto 2

The Cross Brings Hope !

Cross on the side of the Road
Cross on the side of the Road

I was carrying the Cross one day here in Colorado and had just sat down on a guardrail to take a short break. When this young soldier dressed in Camo about 24 yrs old pulled over, jumped out of his car and as he came back toward me. I got up to greet him and introduce myself. He said “I drove past you a little while ago on my way home. In fact I was almost home, but the sight of that Cross, as he pointed to where it was leaning… I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. So I had to turn around and come back and talk to you.” So we sat back down on the guardrail and talked. He knew Jesus in his heart, he was sure of that. But, the reason he stopped he said; he is deploying to Afghanistan in a few days and seeing the Cross “brings me Hope!” Of course he has all the concerns of any soldier deploying overseas in harms way… The family he leaves behind, the things he will see and do and his friends and comrades going with him. You could see this young man was growing up fast. We talked for quite a while, then I said “Son I am very proud of you. Can I pray for you?”  He said “Please do”.  So, I put my arm around him and prayed for him. Oh, I loved that young man! His courage. His faith. Blessed me so… I felt the Lord say to me, he will be alright, in fact he will be a great encouragement to his fellow soldiers.  So I spoke that into his life and I told him what I felt The Lord say. Then, in that straight forward military way he said “Sir, thank you for being out here and for praying with me.” I looked deep into his clear sharp eyes as I shook his hand and said” God Bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and keep you may He give His angels charge and watch over you.”  With that, he headed to his car and was off…   I sat back down and smiled and thanked God for those of you who pray for me and help me financially to keep the Cross out here on the roadsides of the world. Just for people like that young soldier…

Right after that I got up shouldered the Cross and started on. Not 300 meters down the road another car pulled over. It was a news reporter with TV’s  FOX 21 News. He said “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”     “Yes” I said.  He then told me “People are calling in all over the place saying there is a guy out here carrying a huge Cross…  We want to do a story and find out what your doing!”  I started to tell him.  He said “Just a minute let me get my camera”  Kurt got his camera out of the car and all setup. Then the interview went basically like this. Kurt said  “Tell us what you’re doing out here with this huge Cross.”  That was it.  With that he let me talk. I shared the Gospel message and the importance of the Cross and how and why Jesus died on it the for us. Because, ” The wages of sin is death” and Jesus died in our place, and in all its forms for us. I shared how I had spent the first 20 years of my life not believing in God and all the anger and emptiness that was there and how through Jesus’ death on the Cross and faith in that, He changed my life. And now I am carrying the Cross around the world sharing with others that if your life is empty and needs a change He will come into your life, no matter what you have done, forgive and change you and any ones.. I shared some stories of bikers and others who have had their lives change through an encounter with the Cross. Kurt just kept saying “This is amazing, This is amazing!!!” and he just let me share… He filmed me walking, people honking and waving. When the story aired they had edited very little of it… it was Great! I had the privilege through that interview, to share the gospel with the whole region….   Before Kurt left he said “I think this is my favorite story I have ever done!”

Now let me ask you to do something right here, Pray for me and the message of the Cross as it goes forth… If you’re a believer don’t just read the stories and move on saying in your heart that’s nice. Pray for me! Right now…. Then Hit the Donate button,  through Paypal or send a check to my address listed on the contact page. This way you can help keep the Cross on the roadsides of the world. Give $5, $10,  $100  whatever you feel led of The Lord to help with. God will bless you for it… and because you will have the peace that comes from being a part of sending the Gospel message into all the World…Jesus in Mark 16:15 says” GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE… ” By Gods Grace that is what I have tried to do since 1975 when I began with the Cross… Let’s work together.  Be part of the team!!!


Rick and Doreen Newton in ColoradoIt is Great to be home again in Colorado. Doreen and I have seen the Glory and Majesty of God around every turn!!! It feels so good to be carrying the Cross here again. The response has been amazing, Divine appointments have abounded. At one point, two cars pulled over at the same time because they saw the Cross and it turned out that THEY were meant to meet. One was a College professor just moving here from Washington state and the home they had rented on line fell through. The second couple, ALSO from Washington State (turns out they have mutual friends), has access here to some some rental properties, coincidence?! NOT!!!
Just one of the many Miracles that’s  happened on the side of the road, at the foot of the Cross!!

Rcik carrying the cross in Colorado

I also want to invite you to pray for one of the people that stopped  yesterday as I carried the Cross. A Mom, asking for prayer for her “Prodigal daughter”. Something many of you can identify with. Though Yours may be a Prodigal husband, son, brother, sister, mom, dad, friend or relative. We love them just the same and want them to come home to Jesus! We want them to find the Peace and Joy found only through a repentant heart leaving behind the anger and rebellion we store up in stubbornness…. If that’s you, run home to the Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. He purchased the forgiveness already. Accept that gift and be free inside, once again…. I invite you to lay down those fears, guilt and shame keeping you away from freedom in Him!!! He’s waiting!!! If I can help you, pray with you, write me. Tell me your story. I’m here for you.

3 O’Clock Rally at the Rock – Sunday

You are invited to~

Plymouth Rock Massachusetts
Sunday June 30, 3 pm – “Rally at the Rock”

Celebrating the last day of my Revival Trail walk across Massachusetts which began on May 20th in Williamstown at the Haystack Monument praying for Massachusetts and the nation to return to our Christian roots and for an outpouring of God’s Spirit.” O Lord, Do it again in our day!!!!”

Let me share what I have found along the trail.

“Windows of heaven are open reigning the GLORY OF GOD here  – people are pulling over all over the place.”

Pray with us at that hour and you are welcome to come and join if you can. Doreen and Dianne will be singing at “Rally at the Rock”!

Also that Morning I will be Preaching at First Baptist Church of Dighton Mass. At their 10: o’clock service. All are Welcome!!

Prayer at The Boston Bombing Site

As I stopped to pray at this site you could feel the awe, Compassion and the respect that people have for those injured due to man’s inhumanity to man. I pray for healing In the bodies, and in the hearts of those involved! Also for forgiveness,  cleansing and Revival once again in our nation.

Lexington Green

This is the Lexington Green where the first blood was shed in the battle for the war of Independence. Just again a reminder that without the shedding of blood there is never freedom Jesus shed his blood to give us freedom from sin to show the greatness of his love the intensity of his desire to give us life and give it to us abundantly. He paid the debt in full so that we could be free!

Old Northbridge Concorde Massachusetts

Old Northbridge Concorde Massachusetts where, “The shot was fired that was heard around the world”. Two pastors were engaged in that battle that day ( April 19, 1775), fighting for freedom and liberty! Their love for this country and for the Lord shone through in the stand They and the others made here!  Let us not forget!. And let’s pray for revival and to hold on to the liberties those men purchased on that day in our country!