Later in the Day

IMG_1933 In the afternoon of the same day I spoke in the school (in my last write up), this dear lady came over from the “pagan” village, (about a 45 minute hike over the next ridge), to meet the white man that had come up the mountain with a huge cross. IMG_1935Since they still run naked in their village she grabbed some clothes, got dressed and came to Nanakennimai village where I was. Through my interpreter we visited. I shared with her of Jesus’ love and meaning of the cross. She listened and seemed to take it in. Then I noticed her limping. She told me she had a bad cut on top of one of her toes. I checked and sure enough it was infected and hurt her terribly. Of course the village had no clinic or medical supplies so I had her sit down and I grabbed my bottle of drinking water and washed her foot. Doreen had sent me out with a little bottle of hand sanitizer so I cleaned the cut with it using my clean paper towels.  I had a little tube of antibiotic cream that I keep in my cross bag so I put that on it and since there was no gauze or band aids, I wrapped the toe in Paper towel strips and used my Jesus stickers to hold it on with. That’s the best I could do!! Then I prayed for her foot, asking The Father to heal her in Jesus name. I hugged her, told her to keep it clean and then she was off. I prayed for her several times as I thought of her but that was it. Now jumping ahead a little out of sequence…Saturday a week ago, our last day in the Solomon’s, Robert shows up for what became a big exchange ceremony with a Chief from the pagan village who had come down the mountain naked as a jay bird to meet the white man that washed and treated his grandmothers foot. Robert had to give him a lava lava to wrap around him, as you see in the picture below. What’s amazing is, that he made that 12 hour trek down to Honiara and came and presented to me his War club. (You can see me holding it in the picture… I will also post a couple other pics of this event). He also presented to Doreen, a hand woven basket. (he has around his neck in the pic).
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At that same ceremony, I presented a case of medical supplies, a big case of school supplies and ten more picture Bibles. I told them by faith, that I know the Christians that follow the Cross would have me do that and that they would help!  I went ahead and bought the supplies to give then rather than try to ship them back later. Because they need it NOW!!   Thank you so much to all of you who have been holding The Rope for Doreen and I. All of us working together, are,  making a difference in lives around this world!!!!



Helping the Kwaio People

Ooo as I climbed out of bed my second day on the mountain, EVERY muscle in my body screamed with disapproval, but the Joy and excitement of the day ahead of me drove me forward! First thing, I was able to speak to all the students assembled out side of my hut, all 72 of them! Praise God!!!! As I shared the immense Love that Jesus has for them, they listened so very intently, as you can see on there faces in the pictures.


With great Joy I told them that He knew exactly where each one of them lives and every thought they’ve ever had. The fears, the feelings of insignificance and the questionings in their hearts, “does God or anyone care about me”… I tell you, the presence of the Lord was there, touching their hearts and revealing His Love to them. It was so pure and beautiful! It was a chance of a lifetime to see children and youth that had not been tainted by our society’s cynicism. Then many of them prayed with me to ask Jesus to come into their hearts….


After the assembly, Robert took me to each class to meet the children personally. I was stunned with what I saw!! I saw a people hungry to learn and be taught but with an appalling lack of supplies! They are Kwaio People, a forgotten tribe way up in the mountains, far away from civilization! (Out of sight, out of mind)They don’t seem to count to the government or anyone else! No supplies ever make it up to them because they don’t get past the villages at the bottom! The teachers do their best with what they have! 8 kindergarteners assemble under a building…In the 1st to 3rd grade class, 2 grown men are learning to read, (from the “Pagan” tribe, the next village over). They bring clothes, get dressed for school and strip back down when they head back to their village. I visited all 8 classes, had prayer with them, including their first six students that are about to sit for their finals and hopefully be the first to graduate from the Kwaio school!! After that experience, I determined by Gods grace, that I would send them books and supplies! World Vision has them in their 15 year development plan, but they are the last on the list. Hopefully after showing them the pictures I took they will try to move them up the list. There is so much more to tell! I look forward to sharing the rest of the story with you all but meanwhile, please keep Robert and the beautiful Kwaoi people in your prayers!! Then, stay tuned for the next post. What happened that night blew me away.

Down the mountain!

Hey everyone I’m back down the mountain. Safe, sound and sore. The most incredible week of my life. I Will write it up over the next few days. Thanks for being there in prayer for us.  Wait till you hear the stories.

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What a Day!

I preached easily 15 times. Many prayed to receive Jesus into their heart. No way to describe a day here in the Solomon Islands. Just the Glory of the coming of the Lord.  GLORY TO GOD!!!!! Beyond Description!!FullSizeRender_1 FullSizeRender_2 FullSizeRenderFullSizeRender_2 FullSizeRender_3

One day in Honiara

This day was off the charts,  as a day of ministry. Many received Christ. We had one lady that chased us down 1/4 mile for prayer. Many would come out of shops and I would preach. it was Amazing. I preached probably 12 different times. We prayed for healings and so many other things. Doreen is blown away. What a day!!!! Thank you Jesus.

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The Cross in the Solomon Islands

What an amazing first day with the Cross in the Solomon Islands. Beautiful people, open hearts, very receptive. I preached twice in the place pictured below. First time to about 25 men plus women and kids. Nine of the men prayed with us to receive Christ. One young man about 28 asked for a bible. They are scares here and cost about $20. But We will find him one. The men want me to come back and “teach” again. So we will gather at noon on Friday under the same tree. Doreen wasn’t able to get a picture that time. Then school got out and all these kids and parents gathered. So we shared again.

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We talked with hundreds of people yesterday and gave out almost a thousand Jesus stickers and tracts. Pray God multiply our supply of them. We prayed with many others for healing and other needs.

Thanks for praying
Rick and Doreen

Alaska! the final state

alaska1It has been a joy for Doreen and I to be able to carry the Cross here in Alaska. For me it means having been in all 50 States. So many have pulled over, or chased me down to talk about the Cross and its message of hope. We have had people weep in our arms over the site of the cross being carried openly along the roadside’s here. One man with tears, begging the Lord for help to overcome hurts and habits that have held him so long. And another man that we fellowshipped with into the night till 3 in the morning, he was hungry for God’s word and encouragement.

Doreen served at the soup kitchen in downtown Anchorage, volunteering and ministering to the homeless people there. All because of a contact we made on the side of the road. She says she’s having a blast. But, That’s what you get when you serve Jesus, He promised life and life more abundant!! Also we want to ask you for prayer as Doreen and I have some decisions we need to make within the next week. God bless you all, keep looking up Jesus is coming.

Carrying the Cross through Anchorage yesterday was truly amazing. I prayed and shared with several people struggling with the darkness, depression and addictions that are so prevalent here. One middle aged man chased me down on his bicycle when he saw the Cross and with tears shared his story of addictions and his broken heart over the loss of his relationship with the Lord that he remembered form his youth. He so desperately wants that again. The addictions and demons that now control his life have driven him to such despair. We prayed together and form his broken heart he cried out to Jesus to be “Free” again. When we parted he once again had the light of hope in his eyes. Please keep praying for us out here. We are making a difference  in lives. You read this and your prayers are our supply line. We are truly in the trenches here in Alaska. Without you holding the rope… it would be so much harder for those we are touching to hear.



Send us a note, we would love to hear form you.


The Rope – Newton update

Greetings in Jesus wonderful Name!
Hey guys,  we are just jumping in to say hi. Also we wanted to update you a little bit of what’s going on with us. We have some Prayer needs and decisions now that we could use your help lifting us up as we make them.


That being said It has truly been a full year already for which we are grateful. February we celebrated 40 years since 1975 when I first shouldered the Cross at the House of The Rising Sun,  at Mardi Gras, New Orleans. Thousands of miles and thousands of memories later we are still going and still Praising The Lord!!! I got some battle scars along the way, but,  I would certainly rather burn out for the Lord than rust out. We have been on the road now for a couple of months on the east coast of America sharing JESUS and ministering all that we can. Of course we rejoiced to do the Prayer for Spiritual Awakening Seminar at our home church in Massachusetts in January. But, I do love being on the open road again with the Cross and watching the Lord touch lives.The Cross bring such great hope to so many. In South Carolina many people were pulling over to talk and pray. One after another,  constantly it was beautiful. One man with a drinking problem, and though he attended church regularly, he could not get the victory over it. But, after we prayed and I shared how the life of the Lord Jesus, can be released in us, and just how it works out in our lives. After that he pulled away with a whole new hope and joy.  Then another day this lady pulled over in tears and literally was trembling needing to talk and share. I called Doreen, who was only about a block away and she drove straight there and was able to minister to this dear lady and pray with her in our van and encourage her. It really touched her life at a time of great need.  Also I’ll share later an excerpt from a letter we received this morning from another couple that we ministered to, while in South Carolina and how God used Doreen to touch their lives.


It’s been great to carry the Cross and minister here in Kentucky. We have been here now for the last 3 to 4 weeks. Last week while out with the cross, I had a young man in his early 30s pullover who had a drug problem that he couldn’t get on top of. He pulled over with tears and weeping and we prayed together and he begged Jesus to come into his life and set him free. He was broken over the disappointment he saw in the eyes of his children. So We prayed right there at the back bumper of his truck.


Then last Thursday, Doreen and I got to visit and minister in the jail here. Praise the Lord what a wonderful day of ministry we had. Seven of those young ladies prayed with us to receive Christ and for him to be in them, all that He is. They are excited about us coming back this week. After we left the jail, Doreen and I dropped off copies of her CDs to a lady that was in the jail the last time we came through and she was so blessed by Doreen’s music that she asked for a copy when she got out. So we brought it to her house. Doreen brought her guitar and sang some songs and we fellowshipped with her and her parents, it was a beautiful afternoon. We had prayer with them and then we had to head on.

Here is the excerpt from the testimony letter we got this morning I told you of.

“Rick, We cannot thank you enough for the inspiration of your ministry and the counseling and support Doreen provided for ( name omitted ). Unburdened by her past guilt, (name omitted) once-again she is the happy, fun-loving bride I married nearly 32 years ago.” (Signed)   

Isn’t that sweet? And beautiful?


Your prayers and support is what enables us to stay in the trenches for Jesus. Thank you!! We are a team, all of us.
Keep looking up He’s Coming!

If you want to help donate here Or you can write to at PO Box 2 Lanesboro, Ma. 01237  USA.
From the Front Lines,
Rick and Doreen Newton
Gal. 6:14