In the Philippines!

Hello from Manila Philippines!! Doreen and I have been here now for 48 hours and we have found the people here very warm, friendly and receptive and very eager to accept the tracks and stickers that we give out! We are looking forward to a beautiful time of ministry here among the wonderful people of the Philippines. Along with carrying the cross along it’s roadsides and villages, we are looking forward to visiting orphanages and other missionaries that are settled here doing God’s work!

We have already met delightful christians from other countries, like Australia. The Kabayan hotel that we are staying at in Manila is Christian owned and operated. They even have Christian music that we hear back home, playing in the lobby and dining area!

As you pray for us, we’ll share how He answers with you! Check back soon. God bless you, from the front lines! Rick and Doreen

Setting the Captives Free!!

His Harvest Night Coffee House Out Reach FBC Flattwoods Ky

Doreen sings with Inmates
Baptising in Jail
The Glorycomes Down
Here is water what doth hinder to Baptise

What a beautiful time we had in the Boyd County jail last week, as Doreen and I gathered with about 30 of the women inmates to celebrated a Baptism service. We saw the Glory of God come down. We sang, preached, shared testimonies as the guards and inmates together rejoiced in the Lord. With the permission of the ladies we have posted some of the pictures. Please, we need your help to continue to reach these and others who are falling through the cracks of society. Jesus still LOVES these people. Many are very repentant and just seeking direction. But the Lord says Who will go for me? I was in prison and you visited me Not. Matthew 25:44.  I surrendered to that call years ago when God called me into the ministry with the verse in Romans 15: 20 which says “Yea so I have shrived to preach the Gospel, not where Christ is named, lest I build upon another mans foundation.” I go where others don’t. I’m fine with that. I encourage you to go. If you can’t; then help send me. Your gifts would be gratefully received at this time and go for reaching the lost. I am putting in an order again for more tracts and gospel materials, that will cost $1500. Doreen and I will be leaving soon for Chile, and the Philippines to carry the Cross. That will cost a ton. But if everyone who reads this will do something we will reach many with the Good News of Jesus’ Love. Remember You give that others will live Eternally. Don’t shrug it off, let’s be a team…

What we’ve been up to…

Well, though we’re still in Kentucky, we know it’s because the Lord has us here. It’s been an amazing 8 months since we’ve first arrived with the cross early in the year!  We are rejoicing in what God has been doing and how he has directed us. Watching Him work is always amazing and it is such a joy when in His will.  As we have shared, we started visiting the Boyd County Jail here in February. In July, we started visiting the jail weekly.  We have been working mostly with the women lately.   All the cells can come together because usually the women are behaved. The men, on the other hand, have to come in one cell at a time. Sometimes they try mixing two cells. Anyway, since we have been visiting the women regularly, we have developed a beautiful relationship with them!   Often, they come in to the room after Rick and I have set it up (putting chairs out for them), and greet us with hugs or just great big smiles and express their gratitude. These last two weeks, God has led us to teach on Isaiah 61, “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me….to give unto them beauty for ashes…”   The Lord even gave me a melody to go with it!  He wouldn’t actually let me go until I sang it into a recorder, I guess so I wouldn’t forget it. Of course, it is engrained in my memory now! Anyway, the girls received the message well, with many tears of sadness (remorse) and joy!! Many wanting to receive Christ for the first time.  As usual, we had them bow their heads and asked if anyone who had not yet asked Jesus into their heart, would raise their hand if they would like to ask Him in, 11 girls raised their hands!!!!  Praise you Jesus!!!! It has been like that almost every time we go in. Of course, there are always new girls every week so we get to witness to different girls each time, besides the ones that will be there for a while.  In our last post, we shared how we started a Christian library in there.  The girls were sooooo excited!  This past week, we learned that they actually can get baptized in the jail. They bring in a big portable horse troth and fill it with water as needed. We were so excited about that opportunity being available. Two girls raised their hands wed. and asked to be baptized!! So needless to say, we are extremely excited to be able to do that (of course, after we have a chance to counsel with them), a week from this Thursday!! Please keep us all in prayer!

Wonderful things continue to happen at the First Baptist Church of Flatwoods, where Rick has been supplying quite regularly. We have recently begun putting together our very first coffee house at Flatwoods.  Everyone is very excited about this since they have never done anything like this before and since they really have hearts for outreach. October 8th is the date of the coffeehouse so as you can imagine, we are scrambling! There is sooo much I could share about the amazing things God is doing to bring this together but there is just too much, right down from Danny (who has such a  wonderful heart for the Lord, and is a gifted musician as well), who is helping us, to Devin Williams, who has volunteered to come play from Nashville!

Then later this month, Dianne (my singing partner from Mass., see, will be flying in to do a few concerts. We also will be doing a concert in the jail for the women. Of course, I will be so  happy to see her!  We have such an amazing unity of heart. We are always thrilled to get together and discuss the things that the Lord is showing us, we hardly talk about anything else;  well, of course, going shopping at our favorite place,” Salvation Fashions” (Salvation Army)! Ha, ha!!!!  No, really, we share regularly what He is doing in our lives over the phone and ALWAYS pray together, seeking His will first and foremost for our lives.

Beginning the second week of Nov. (after Dianne goes back home), we will be departing what has been our home for 8 wonderful months (and our wonderful friends ) at the” KOA campground” in Ashland, Ky!  We cannot express our gratitude enough!!!  We will be heading toward the Dallas, Texas area, where we will be staying and carrying the cross until right before Christmas.

Keep us in your prayers, and please pray about supporting this ministry,( you can through Paypal), as it is strictly a faith-based ministry working on the “Front Lines” reaching the unreached. (see our Donate page)

Thank you so much and God bless you,

Rick and Doreen (from the side of the road)

Praise the Lord!! What a Week…

Praise the Lord!!  What a week we have had here in Eastern Kentucky. Ministering to many,  the message of the Joy and Abundance of Life that is found in a vital relationship with Jesus Christ… We have seen a number of  people trust Him as Savior and discover that He is such a real comforter! While many here are so wounded by the bondage of  just religion. “Churchy-anity”… Too Many of the young people we see, have just given up on church, the Lord and Life itself. But some have dug in and found the truth of the gospel or come back to it from their roots. Again this week we went and did services at the Boyd County Jail. What a marvelous move of the Spirit we had. Doreen sang several songs and I preached. They aloud us to stay almost 3 hours and talk to the women. We had about 35 come to the service and eight of them prayed to receive Christ… We go again in a few days. The door has been wide open to us. For that we do  rejoice. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to minister there in the next weeks that we are here. Doreen and I have also been given permission to put a library of Christian books in there. We would love to have your help financially to help make this happen. Anyone wanting to help can donate through our paypal account or sending a check to Rick Newton Evangelistic Ministries PO Box 2 Lanesboro, Ma. 01237 .  Then just this morning we were involved in a “Church without Walls”  ministry in central park downtown where we prayed with a young lady to receive Christ. Jesus is truly moving here, redeeming lives from the enemy. Keep us in your prayers and help us as you can. Thanks!!!Praise the Lord!!

Cross in Kentucky Feb. 2011

The Cross in Kentucky Feb.2011
The Cross in Kentucky Feb.2011
The Cross at Historic Boonesborough
The Cross at Historic Boonesborough
Cross in Kentucky
Cross in Kentucky
Cross entering Lexington Ky
Cross entering Lexington Ky
Cross lining up for Memorial Day parade (Rick with Broken ankle)
Cross lining up for Memorial Day parade (Rick with Broken ankle)
Memorial Day parade in Grayson Ky
Memorial Day parade in Grayson Ky
Motley crew at the White House
Motley crew at the White House

side of the road

Rick Sharing Jesus in Nagarote Nicaragua
Sharing Jesus in Nagarote Nicaragua

Two young helpers

Note from young man in white shirt above:

Hola rick espero estes bien, se q al ver este mensaje te diras, no entiendo lo que dice, pero si te escribo es para decirte que te llevo presente en mis oraciones, vivo orando por la mision que tienes con eso de cragar con esa cruz que yo tambien cargue, si aun te acuerdas de mi, te acordaras de mis deseos de querer estudiar teology, deseo por e l cual tu dijistes que verias que harias por mi, aun sigo esperando que tiene preparado Dios para mi, por que se que tu eres una gran señal para mi, y la verdad me gustaria ser una persona preparada como tu, para predicar el evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo a como tu lo has hecho, tengo fe en Dios que el te ayuda a diario y te bendice grandemente, por eso hoy me atrevo a escribirte esto para poner en marcha todo el plan que Dios tiene preparado en mi vida, y que tu fuistes una luz que alumbro mi vida al conocerte y darme cuenta que en mi corazon siento ser un gran misionero que lleve el evangelio a todo el mundo, ser un joven que haga la diferencia en que cuando tenemos a cristo en nuestro corazon, todo lo podemos, ya que el nos fortalece…. Cuidate muxo, Que Dios Te Bendiga y recuerda que te llevo presente en todas mis oraciones

Hi Rick I hope you’re well, is to see this message you will say I do not understand what he says, but if I write you is to tell you that I take you in my prayers, praying for the mission alive in you with the cross. If you still remember me, you will remember my desire to want to study theology, desire for which you would see what you said you would do for me, I’m still hoping that God has prepared for me, that is your are a great sign for me, and I really like to be a trained person like you, to preach the gospel to all nations of the world as you’ve done, I have faith in God that helps you every day and bless you greatly therefore, today I dare to write this to start the whole plan which God has prepared in my life, and that you were a light over my life to know and realize that in my heart I feel to be a great missionary who takes the gospel throughout the world, being a young man who makes a difference that when we have Christ in our hearts, we can do everything, since he strengthens us …. Muxo Take care, God Bless and remember that I took this in all my prayers

Rick and the Cross in Nicuargua

Cross in Nicuargua

Just received these pictures from my husband in Nicuargua. This picture shows  the volcano “Momotumba” in the background.  Rick has been there since Thursday and as you can imagine, he is thrilled!!!  He is in his element, witnessing, sharing the love of Christ!  He is carrying the Cross on average of 10 miles a day with Steve, a friend that he flew down with from N.C.  Their journey started in Managua and are walking approx. 60 miles to Leon.  Since I am learning how to find my way around the computer now, thanks to my beautiful friend, Dianne, who is a Web designer, I am just going to let you hear his words from the very first day of carrying the cross!

…  “we had a great service tonight. so many they would not fit in the church. So they set up outside under a Mango tree.. Carlos did the translating they listened good. I preached 1Thes.2:4.  this afternoon we carried the cross all around town. Thats where I prayed with the one man to receive Christ. We gave out hundreds of tracts prayed in peoples homes it was beautiful, even took the cross in. Tomorrow we have 2 young teens that want to walk with us. So I said yes…Their excited…We will be on the road by 7:30 am to beat some of the heat. each day its getting hotter. I have one blister dont want more. Been a great week of ministry. We hope to make Leon by Thurs Am at the latest.”

We continue to covet your prayers and praise God for the many hearts and souls that will be changed!


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Praise the Lord and greetings from the side of the road in Kentucky!  We rejoice in the fact that the cross is traveling on.  We want to give you all a quick update of some of the things that are going on so you can continue to pray and rejoice with us.  The last few weeks have seen several opportunities for ministry and encouraging people in Christ; from the local sheriff, in Ashland Kentucky, who stopped to talk because he was excited to see the cross in his town and to say he was a new believer, to a front page news paper article that shared Christ with a whole city.  As always, it has been a joy to watch God work! One of the blessings that we saw was when the Lord led us to make camp in the KOA, owned by a delightful Christian couple.  Charlie is a Deacon at a local Baptist church.  He was so excited about the cross coming to his campground that he called a couple other deacons from his church to let them know and they wanted to come out to meet with me that night.  We had a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer even as one of the deacons wept with joy over the ministry of the cross.  Because of that encounter, this past Sunday evening we were extended an invitation to share and Doreen sang in their church.  In that service, two young men came forward in tears at the invitation, surrendering their lives to a deeper walk with the Lord. The sweet spirit in this mission minded church will linger in our minds and hearts for a long time.  As a result of that evening service, we were given the opportunity to go into a local jail to share the Lord. To our surprise, when we arrived the jail warden wanted us to bring the cross into the cell block where we did the service( which took a lot of maneuvering to get it in there). We were told that the jail held 55 female inmates and that they ALL wanted to come to the service!  There were not enough chairs for everyone so some sat on the floor and some stood against the wall. What an amazing time of sharing that was!!!  We had a wonderful time with the girls. There was laughter, many tears and healing of hearts in that one hour.  Fifteen women raised there hands to receive Christ!!  Praise God!!  Ryan from the Baptist church is on staff at the jail and will do the followup.

Like always, the Cross has continued to draw people to pull over on the side of the road for prayer, young and old alike, with a multitude of different needs and concerns, like one young man who pulled over and was struggling to get his life back on line with the Lord after several years of drug problems. Two other men ran out of a furniture store and chased me down asking for prayer. One young man was a new father and shared how he wants to get his life together for the sake of his new baby girl. Since her birth, he now feels the urgency to surrender to a deeper walk and become the Godly father and leader in his home that he should be.

Then this morning at 8:30, we received a phone call from a church leader in Kenya, Africa who we have been corresponding with. He has asked if I would come teach and encourage pastors from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.  After Pastor Chris’s sweet greeting, he proceeded to tell us that my voice was being transmitted over a loud speaker so that the 40 men and 50 women listening could hear me. You could here them clapping and rejoicing in the background as I shared some truths from God’s word. Please, if you all would, pray with us about this opportunity set for Aug. of this year. Pastor Chris and his wife graciously invited us to stay with them should the Lord lead in this direction. We are certainly open to this.  They have asked if we could bring Bibles to supply Pastors in Uganda. They said that many of the pastors don’t even have a Bible.

Oh yeah, one last little sweet miracle.  The Carter Cave State Park here in Kentucky said that they would open their campground and turn on the water in the shower building so that we can make camp there as our journey continues.  They said that they don’t normally open till mid March.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!

Thank you all so much, first of all for your prayers and also for finantial support which is needed so bad right now. Please give,  as God leads (see donate page). God Bless you all.

From the Front Lines,

Rick and Doreen Newton

Remember you give that others may live Eternally