Manilla, one of the larger cities in the world! Unbelievable traffic, hordes of people, horns honking, all of the hustle and bustle of a major city and a 12 foot Cross with a message of hope! Doreen and I stepped out and carried the cross into the middle of all of this. We saw people surprised and stunned as they saw this large Cross being carried by a white man, but Oh how they received the tracks and stickers that share the message of God’s love. We saw people come out of their houses and businesses and road side stands eager to learn what we were doing. After about 1 mile of the indescribable noise of traffic and horns honking, we turned into a “neighborhood” where some of Manilas’ poor live in conditions that much of the world has never seen! The gracious Filipino people received us with smiles, kindness and offerings of cold drink. Adult and children would gather around the Cross to hear the message of Christ’s love for them. You could see the joy in their faces when we told them that God knows where they live, knows each of them personally and He loves them with all of His heart. In no time, we found that we had given out thousands of stickers and tracks. We rejoiced in thinking about how statisticians tell us that 3% of all people saved, are saved through a Gospel track. They say, a picture is worth a thousand words…