You have made history

Robert bracing the Cross in Dugout to the interior.

By 6:30 the next morning we had our supplies loaded in the dugout canoes to start into the interior and to the base of the Mt. The climb would take 4 hours, rising to an elevation of 2935 ft. (Temperature in the low 90s humidity almost 100%.) After unloading the Cross, we passed through a few little villages where I would share and Robert would interpret. I gave out gospel tracts and witnessed to those we passed on the trail. As we started our vertical climb, we all agreed it best to break the cross down and put it into the bag to make the grueling journey.


However, we probably only made 500 yards and the men said that they had to put it back together!! They desperately wanted it to be seen openly on the trail so that everyone they met would know what it was!! As I made my way, stopping often to catch my breath, I would watch the men up ahead climbing the cliffs and passing the cross to one another with such tender care!! It was so Beautiful!!! Once we made the crest of the mountain and I got my first view of the village I told Robert I wanted to stop and catch my breath so that I wouldn’t walk in winded and not be able to greet the people properly! But I tell you it was beautiful!!!



Our first view, we could see all these people waiting on the hill for the white man with the cross. Enlarge picture 4 and you can see some of them. What I didn’t know, is that they were only the welcoming party to take me to the rest of the village. Of course, the warriors jumped out of the bushes, which was a bit startling!! But oh the welcome they had for the Cross! “We welcome you and the cross to Nanakennimai” they said. You have made history today Robert told me. The first time the cross is brought to our village. Then the children put flower Leigh’s around my neck. Next this marching band (bamboo sticks hitting on books and things) sang me through to the village center where I greeted the chief and the village elders. Though still very tired they had me preach. I shared about the Cross and why Jesus died for us! Eight people including 3 of the warriors prayed to receive Jesus!!! That was worth every step up that mountain!!!! I met with the Chief right after the ceremony and we talked about the needs there.


They let me rest through the afternoon and around 4:00 I went down to the river with one of the other men for a bath.
That evening, we had a huge service in their chapel and even some of the “pagans” from one of the other villages brought clothes to dress for the service. I preached again with Robert interpreting and several responding for salvation including 2 of the Pagans, Praise the Lord!!! After that, the people asked questions till almost 11:00.
Needless to say, I dropped into bed that night exhausted but rejoicing and thanking Jesus for an AMAZING DAY.!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!