THE CROSS In Front of Jonathan Edwards Church
Friends & Supporters of the Cross at a Fellowship Night
Prayer together for Revival at David Brainard’s gravesite Northampton Mass.
Evangelistic Ministries
What an amazing blessing. I am here at the grave site of David Brainard missionary to the Indians of the 1730s in Northampton Massachusetts Jonathan Edwards daughter Jerusha is buried right beside him. Oh that we all might have The fire in our hearts that David had and the commitment that he had, this is a privilege
There is no question it needs it!! As I carry the Cross through out America, I have talked and prayed with so many that have pulled over with tears in their eyes over the condition of some friend or relative drowning in some hurt or addiction. Mothers and Fathers watching their children and young adults drifting aimlessly from job to job, relationship to relationship, or just wasting away on the couch in front of a “Game Boy” or computer screen. Pastors that are broken hearted over their parishioners and churches that are cold and indifferent. Entire Congregations with not so much as a birthday candle worth of fire burning in them. Churches dwindling and closing. Pastors burning out and leaving the ministry at the rate of 1500 a month. Seminary professors that strip the authority and trustworthiness of the Bible, (the Word of God) from their students, thereby killing the faith of another generation. The professors themselves not having enough Faith to blow the fuzz off a peanut, they’re just vocational professionals. Our prisons are full, our schools are crime ridden, and sporting events unsafe. WHY? Because America is telling God He’s not welcome here any more. Stay out of our Schools, our Courts, our lives and then, when all Hell brakes loose, we cry out, “where was God?” Well we threw Him out! We said, “we’ll wait till our kids are old enough to decide for themselves before we teach them about the God” who loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life. But we learn too late that the devils crowd didn’t wait till they were old enough. They’ve got them drugged up and depressed in elementary school. WE NEED REVIVAL!!! And we need it Now!
Jesus told us ” the devil came to Rob, Kill and to Destroy, but I have come that you might have Life and have it more Abundantly” John 10:10.
Not long back I had a father pull over when he saw me on the side of the road with the Cross, a big man in size, broken and weeping because his son was afraid of him because dad drank too much and would lose his temper. I’ve had wives say the same thing. You should walk with me and hear what I hear! We need Revival and we need it Now!
The courts are busy getting the 10 Commandments out of everywhere, ” because it may offend someone”. Commands like, “Thou shalt not Steal”, ” Thou shalt not Lie” or “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife”! Well let me ask you which of those Commandments do you want your neighbor or your child to disobey? Doing that, we are denying our society any Moral compass. We Need Revival and we Need it Now!
Monday, May 20th I began a walk with the Cross in Massachusetts from the site of the Haystack Revival in Williamstown and I will walk to Plymouth Rock 170 miles away, Praying for Revival in America once again. Massachusetts has played a major role in the Christian heritage of our nation. The first Great Awakening that shook our country started under Jonathan Edwards in Northampton in the 1730’s, right when many of our Founding Fathers were born. They grew up in that atmospher of revival. I will carry the Cross through there praying, Lord as you did it under Edwards, Do it again, Do it Again! The great Evangelist, D.L Moody was born here. His preaching shook 2 Continents. I will carry the Cross through Lexington and Concorde where the Shot was fired that was heard around the world. I will stop and pray there for the Nation that was born that day. Then up Boylston St., to the recent bombing sites. After that, on to Plymouth Rock where Christianity came to these shores. I will end there with prayer, Lord Do it again, Do it Again! On this walk I am inviting anyone who wants to to join me at any part to come and let’s pray for our Country! We will have prayer rally’s across this state. If your heart is breaking like mine is for this Nation, come, join me, and let’s strike a blow through Prayer, against the forces trying to destroy our Christian heritage. Come, Lets make a stand together!!!
2 Chronicles 7:14 says “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”
Please, if you’d like to help out a little financially on this walk, it would be truly appreciated. You can give through Paypal on the donate page or by sending a check to Rick Newton Evangelistic Ministries at PO Box 2 Lanesboro Ma. 01237.
For those of you that follow this Blog, I am going to give you just a brief overview of the many encounters and opportunities that The Lord Jesus opened to me as I carried the Cross through the Summer of 2012. Then I will come back and share some of the messages He gave me.
Right now, last Summer seems so long ago. So much has happened since then. But the warmth and gentle breezes, smiles and good times still encourage me, now, in the cold of Winter. It also reminds me that the cold of Winter will also pass!!
I do love the changing seasons. I have experienced them all, on the roadsides of the world; and their extremes. I have carried the Cross in the 116* F / 47* C + heat of the Sini desert in the Summer of 1990 and the -20*F / -29C Winter chills in Russia… Most of everything though, is somewhere in between.
Last Summer was no exception. I carried the Cross in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, New England and the Adirondacks of upstate New York. I Talked and shared with many along side the roads there. I also did 2, hour long, TV talk shows. One in Massachusetts in June the other One happened at the Word of Life camp at Schroone Lake NY, As I walked through that area, I made camp in my van. A man who had a TV talk show in Connecticut was there with his family on vacation. When he heard that I was there he came to my Van to meet me. After visiting awhile, he said he would like to interview me on his show. He said ” I think I have enough equipment with me to do it.” So we made a nice makeshift TV set. Then We set up the cameras, his son ran them and we did the Show, on “The Heart of Missions and sharing Jesus” It was great!!
Each day I would have many curious tourists pull over when they saw the Cross and talk. I would pray with them, in some cases, hug their necks, then shoulder the Cross and head on. One person I met, had met me with the Cross, years ago in Florida. But many I know I won’t see again till Heaven. But we have prayed, rejoiced together, loved one another, because of the common bond in Christ, hugged then headed on with joy.
One day, while walking down the road I passed a sign that kind of sums up the feelings, of where, many people are in their life that stop and talk to me on the side of the road… It said “WITTS END CORNER”. Maybe some of you reading this feel like that is your address. You’re at your WITTS END. You are sick and tired of being sick and tired! You are tired of the Guilts, the Fears, the Uncontrolable Angers and Habits, the fears of being discovered, found out! You may be a Pastor or a Peddler, a Deacon or Dock worker, a Captain or a Con-artist, Model or Mom. But your tired of where you are. You question, can I find real freedom??…. Or is that just talk?? .. Is there real victory in this Life??… And can i live it… Or even find it… Well, I am here to tell you YOU CAN HAVE A LIFE OF JOY !! You Can… But it is only found in the person of Jesus Christ, he is Life at its source. He declared “Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest…” It starts with honesty on our part. When your tired of seeing the distruction in your life, the fear in your families eyes, guilt in your own heart. You must cry out and repent, ( change your mind) instead of living for yourself live Gods way. Admit you can not change without His help. Jesus knows that. Be honest, give your life over to Him… Open your heart right now to Him invite him in to your life. He is waiting!! And Ready! You can read more on how to, on my “Receive Jesus” page on this website. It’s located to the far right of the Home page button at the top of this page. Opening my life to Jesus is what changed me as a young man of 20 years old. I was full of anger and Very empty I didn’t even believe there was a God. That’s when I found out I was living at WITTS END CORNER and I cried out to Jesus and He CHANGED ME !!! And I have No regrets. Join me. Let Him make the greatest difference in your life today.
The Philippines are a cluster of 7104 beautiful, tropical islands covered in Palm trees, mountians and warm friendly people! Doreen and I’s time there will be unforgettable. We shared Gods love with many of those that live there. Some up in the mountains, some in Manilla’s urban sprawl and many places in between. The JOY we exsperenced there will stay with us for a life time. I pray the stories you read below will allow you to taste at least some of the Joys and feel Gods heart for this dear country that captured us.
When the door opened for us to take the Cross and the Gospel message over to the island of Guimares, here in the Philippines, Doreen and I’s hearts jumped with excitement. We made our way to the docks along with our interpreter, Tommy, (who had been helping us there on the island of Iloilo)… The only way over to Guimares, this rainy morning was by outrigger canoe. So with the Cross in hand we walked the narrow gangway, got on board and set out through the storm. Our mariner friends, put a tarp up in front of us to block the spray and rain as we set sail… When we arrived at the little port, the local pastor met us with a 3 wheeled motorcycle taxi. Well, we smiled and tied the 12 foot Cross on the roof and the 5 of us jumped on. The driver, Doreen and I, Tommy and the Pastor. What a site!! Then we were off… Buzzing our way up the mountain, not stopping till we got to the parsonage, where the pastors wife was waiting. As the rain fell, we all got acquainted. What a wonderful time of fellowship. The pastor and his wife sang us some songs, then, Doreen sang some. We shared our testimonies, ate a little and prayed as the Glory of God just surrounded us… It was such a beautiful time!!!
After the rain stopped we headed out with the Cross. Stopping at the first house about half a kilometer away. When the family saw the Cross coming up the road they all came to the door of their house and eagerly listen as I shared the gospel story… Afterward I asked them if they would like to invite Jesus into their lives. They all said YES. So we prayed with them all as they gave their hearts to Jesus. We rejoiced together, and the pastor said he would be back to visit. Then just up the block was a pool hall. When we came upon it, I took the Cross off my shoulder and brought it in the door. Through Tommy, my interpreter, I shared again the Gospel message. All the men listened so intently and asked questions. With questions answered they all bowed their heads and prayed inviting the Lord into their hearts. That is how it went through the town. When we got to the center of the town we stopped at City Hall. Where the Vice Mayor came out to greet us and welcome us and the Cross to his island. We had prayer together for his people, as he was a believer in Jesus already. We walked through that town that day giving out our gospel tracts and stickers. The people loved them and received them so gratefully. At the end of the day the pastor, a wonderful man in his early 80s, said he would followup on all these people. Then he led us to his church, a beautiful tropical style building, half thatched, half brick. There we rejoiced together in an amazing day where we watched many people come to Christ.
Doreen and I hated to see this day come to an end. But we needed to start our journey back. So we loaded back up on a 3 wheeler and down the mountain we went, boarding a waiting canoe and headed back….
One thing I need to add, Guimares is renown, as having the sweetest Mango in the world… So if you like mangoes that’s the place to go… I just happen to be alergic to mango… Bummer…
When Doreen and I arrived in Manila six weeks ago we knew no one. Jesus had just said go, carry the Cross in the Philippines. I will open doors. So we went. Our second morning there we were having our devotions in the hotel cafe, when a gentleman walked up to our table and said ” I notice you praying together, I am Bishop Eduardo Fernandez, from Iloilo. I see you are Christians.” We told him yes we were, and invited him to sit down and join us. We talked for a bit and got acquainted. He asked why we had come to his country. I told him I was carrying a 12 ft. cross around the world sharing the Great news of Jesus’ love for all mankind and that I had began with the cross in 1975. Well, he got excited!! He then told us I am the Bishop over 110 Assembly of God churches and I want to invite you to come carry your Cross on my Island and share with my people. We agreed…. Now here we are, sailing into a new harbor to carry the Cross. Our prayer, ” Lord may we see many bow at the foot of the Cross and receive you as savior.”
The hunger for the Gospel was evident from the very start. Eduardo provided me with an interpreter. A wonderful young man named Tommy, who has a beautiful heart for the Lord and is an evangelist himself and a pretty good singer.
As soon as I brought the Cross out of the hotel, a crowd began to gather while I got it ready to go.. Then, as soon as I finished I stood and preached, sharing its message to the men that had gathered. They all listened intently When I asked who would like to give their life to Jesus Christ many of those men raised their hands and said they would. Tommy and I lead them in prayer, then he invited them to his church, the Lift Jesus Higher Ministries. Next we distributed our gospel material that would instruct them further, then, shouldered the Cross and headed on up the road to the city market place. Where people everywhere were buying, selling, trading. There are all kinds of vehicles and carts coming and going. An amazing scene…. Where again a crowd gathered around the Cross, I preached again, prayed with the nearly dozen that wanted to receive Jesus. Moved on about a half a block and did it again… So it went throughout the day. Later we found our way to the Town Park. Again as we gave out our Gospel tracts a crowd gathered. So nothing to do but preach. So I preached, gave an invitation, prayed with and counseled with those that responded.
Then just a little bit later I was able to share with the police in front of the police station as they gathered around the Cross. They had many questions and were excited to have the cross on their island….
A few minutes after that some young men went by with a guitar, stopped to hear the message of the Cross. We shared with them. Then Tommy borrowed their guitar and did some songs and we did a street service. It was great!! Doreen and I knew as that day ended that the Glory of the Lord had come to Iloilo. We were tired, hot, and rejoicing in all the Lord had done.
Please, let me ask you as you read this from all over the world, PRAY for us as we go, also pray for those we have reached. Then If you can help us even a little financially with a gift of $5 or $10. to be able to stay in the trenches on the front-lines for Jesus, we would be so GRATEFUL.. God will bless you for it! You can donate through Paypal by going to the Donate page on this website. Write me let me know you are really with us in this ministry. It would mean so much. GOD BLESS YOU !! Share this site with other friends… Check back, the story continues.
Farewell to Cebu Island!!! As we boarded the ship, we hated to see this day come!! Doreen and I knew we were leaving much of our hearts, some wonderful friends, some new believers and 25000 gospel tracts and Jesus stickers, on that island.!! As the ship left the harbor, we could do nothing but watch the islands fade out of sight and rejoice for what Jesus had done and also, for the privilege, that He had allowed us to experience it all. Our hearts were bursting with Love, Joy, Sorrow all at the same time as we thought back over each encounter there…. While we watched the sun set, we thought of the friends, the faces, the tears we shed. Doreen and I stood there on the deck and held each other and just smiled in silence, as the island faded into the darkness… Then, just as I reminded her of the Rainbow we saw as we sailed into Cebu 30 days ago and the promise of Gods blessings we had felt, a fireworks display on shore started. We felt it was as though God was celebrating with us for our time there…. We will never be the same… Now we must look to the next island and what the Lord wants to do there…. And we can’t wait!!
God is SO amazing! We originally didn’t plan to stay in Dalaguete until Saturday but our first day there, Alma and Lisa invited us to stay the extra day to distribute the Christmas Child Shoe Boxes from the “Samaritans Purse” to the children. We were so excited since neither of us had ever been on this end of the distribution! We have only been on the other end, where you pack the shoe boxes and send them off to a child somewhere in the world of whom you will probably never meet this Side of Heaven! Since it was the girls first time doing this as well, there was an eager anticipation of how it was all gonna go and to see how the children were going to respond! We knew this was going to be the “icing on the cake,” persay to an already amazing time!
Well, I think we woke the rooster up this morning!! So much to do…the children would be arriving around 8:30 to come enjoy this special day of surprises of which they had no clue!! Alma filled us in on the instructions sent with the Samaritans purse on how they want it done…first singing songs with the children and then some fun games where all can participate, a salvation message from the pastor and then the boxes!! Doreen couldn’t hold the tears back, it was a very special time for both of us especially since we had found out that this would be the first time most of the children had ever received a gift!! Also, we recognized the boy that we prayed for the day before with the swollen eye was there and there was NO MORE swelling!! (see April 16 post, “serving in the philippines) Joel was so excited as well, realizing that it was Gerald, he asked if his mother or somebody had put something on his eye to help it but Gerald said, “No! It was just the prayer!” (thank you Jesus!) Seeing the joy on these children’s faces as they opened gifts revealing toys, school supplies, shoes, etc…was a precious gift for us as well!!
After a quick lunch, it was time to take the tricycles, (three wheel motorcycles with covered side car) full of people and boxes up to the next distribution point, on the mountain top!! This was the same mountain road we had walked our first day in Dalaguete only this time we hitched a ride! It was a breathtaking view from the clearing where the distribution would take place and of course, it was HOT!! So we set up the blankets in the shade of a few palm trees and watched as the children arrived. It was such a joy watching as Pastor Greg played the guitar and Alma and Lisa led the children in song while Joel sat with a younger group of children, reading a children’s bible story.
They were captivated, some hearing these stories for the first time!! Our hearts rejoiced as we witnessed seeds being planted in these little hearts and laughed as they took the Jesus stickers and stuck them all over their bodies!
Some of the parents would slowly walk over and watch as the children laughed and sang and listened to Pastor Greg tell them about a loving God! It was so beautiful as we watched their eyes fill with hope as they pondered this man named Jesus! Though most of the parents did not have a relationship with the Lord, some had come to know Him through their children, the fruit of VBS and other children’s programs through the Shekinah ministry!
We sure hated to see this day end, as we hugged the children goodbye, knowing we would probably never see them again this side of Heaven,and headed down the mountain to board the bus back to Cebu City! The Joys and blessings of Dalaguette will linger in our minds for a long long time. Thank you Jesus!!!!