Prayer at The Boston Bombing Site

As I stopped to pray at this site you could feel the awe, Compassion and the respect that people have for those injured due to man’s inhumanity to man. I pray for healing In the bodies, and in the hearts of those involved! Also for forgiveness,  cleansing and Revival once again in our nation.

Lexington Green

This is the Lexington Green where the first blood was shed in the battle for the war of Independence. Just again a reminder that without the shedding of blood there is never freedom Jesus shed his blood to give us freedom from sin to show the greatness of his love the intensity of his desire to give us life and give it to us abundantly. He paid the debt in full so that we could be free!

Old Northbridge Concorde Massachusetts

Old Northbridge Concorde Massachusetts where, “The shot was fired that was heard around the world”. Two pastors were engaged in that battle that day ( April 19, 1775), fighting for freedom and liberty! Their love for this country and for the Lord shone through in the stand They and the others made here!  Let us not forget!. And let’s pray for revival and to hold on to the liberties those men purchased on that day in our country!

David Brainard grave

What an amazing blessing. I am here at the grave site of David Brainard missionary to the Indians of the 1730s in Northampton Massachusetts Jonathan Edwards daughter Jerusha is buried right beside him. Oh that we all might have The fire in our hearts that David had and the commitment that he had, this is a privilege

Can Revival Come Again to America ?

There is no question it needs it!! As I carry the Cross through out America, I have talked and prayed with so many that have pulled over with tears in their eyes over the condition of some friend or relative drowning in some hurt or addiction. Mothers and Fathers watching their children and young adults drifting aimlessly from job to job, relationship to relationship, or just wasting away on the couch in front of a “Game Boy” or computer screen. Pastors that are broken hearted over their parishioners and churches that are cold and indifferent. Entire Congregations with not so much as a birthday candle worth of fire burning in them. Churches dwindling and closing. Pastors burning out and leaving the ministry at the rate of 1500 a month. Seminary professors that strip the authority and trustworthiness of the Bible, (the Word of God) from their students, thereby killing the faith of another generation. The professors themselves not having enough Faith to blow the fuzz off a peanut, they’re just vocational professionals. Our prisons are full, our schools are crime ridden, and sporting events unsafe. WHY? Because America is telling God He’s not welcome here any more. Stay out of our Schools, our Courts, our lives and then, when all Hell brakes loose, we cry out, “where was God?” Well we threw Him out! We said, “we’ll wait till our kids are old enough to decide for themselves before we teach them about the God” who loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life. But we learn too late that the devils crowd didn’t wait till they were old enough. They’ve got them drugged up and depressed in elementary school. WE NEED REVIVAL!!! And we need it Now!
Jesus told us ” the devil came to Rob, Kill and to Destroy, but I have come that you might have Life and have it more Abundantly” John 10:10.
Not long back I had a father pull over when he saw me on the side of the road with the Cross, a big man in size, broken and weeping because his son was afraid of him because dad drank too much and would lose his temper. I’ve had wives say the same thing. You should walk with me and hear what I hear! We need Revival and we need it Now!
The courts are busy getting the 10 Commandments out of everywhere, ” because it may offend someone”. Commands like, “Thou shalt not Steal”, ” Thou shalt not Lie” or “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife”! Well let me ask you which of those Commandments do you want your neighbor or your child to disobey? Doing that, we are denying our society any Moral compass. We Need Revival and we Need it Now!
Monday, May 20th I began a walk with the Cross in Massachusetts from the site of the Haystack Revival in Williamstown and I will walk to Plymouth Rock 170 miles away, Praying for Revival in America once again. Massachusetts has played a major role in the Christian heritage of our nation. The first Great Awakening that shook our country started under Jonathan Edwards in Northampton in the 1730’s, right when many of our Founding Fathers were born. They grew up in that atmospher of revival. I will carry the Cross through there praying, Lord as you did it under Edwards, Do it again, Do it Again! The great Evangelist, D.L Moody was born here. His preaching shook 2 Continents. I will carry the Cross through Lexington and Concorde where the Shot was fired that was heard around the world. I will stop and pray there for the Nation that was born that day. Then up Boylston St., to the recent bombing sites. After that, on to Plymouth Rock where Christianity came to these shores. I will end there with prayer, Lord Do it again, Do it Again! On this walk I am inviting anyone who wants to to join me at any part to come and let’s pray for our Country! We will have prayer rally’s across this state. If your heart is breaking like mine is for this Nation, come, join me, and let’s strike a blow through Prayer, against the forces trying to destroy our Christian heritage. Come, Lets make a stand together!!!
2 Chronicles 7:14 says “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”
Please, if you’d like to help out a little financially on this walk, it would be truly appreciated. You can give through Paypal on the donate page or by sending a check to Rick Newton Evangelistic Ministries at PO Box 2 Lanesboro Ma. 01237.

Rick and Dane on road with Cross

It’s a New Year

Praise the Lord!! It’s a New Year.  A time of new beginnings, 2011 has been relegated into the anneals of history. What an amazing year it was. Doreen and I were able to share Christ in many different ways and places. In jails, roadsides, parks, churches. Always seeing lives touched and changed to the Glory of God.
This New Year we expect the Lord to do wonderful things. We are now preparing to leave for the Philippines, for seven weeks of caring the Cross, then on to Brizil, next will be the country of Chile for three months. If you are from those countries watch for us and the Cross, we would love to meet you…

What we’ve been up to…

Well, though we’re still in Kentucky, we know it’s because the Lord has us here. It’s been an amazing 8 months since we’ve first arrived with the cross early in the year!  We are rejoicing in what God has been doing and how he has directed us. Watching Him work is always amazing and it is such a joy when in His will.  As we have shared, we started visiting the Boyd County Jail here in February. In July, we started visiting the jail weekly.  We have been working mostly with the women lately.   All the cells can come together because usually the women are behaved. The men, on the other hand, have to come in one cell at a time. Sometimes they try mixing two cells. Anyway, since we have been visiting the women regularly, we have developed a beautiful relationship with them!   Often, they come in to the room after Rick and I have set it up (putting chairs out for them), and greet us with hugs or just great big smiles and express their gratitude. These last two weeks, God has led us to teach on Isaiah 61, “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me….to give unto them beauty for ashes…”   The Lord even gave me a melody to go with it!  He wouldn’t actually let me go until I sang it into a recorder, I guess so I wouldn’t forget it. Of course, it is engrained in my memory now! Anyway, the girls received the message well, with many tears of sadness (remorse) and joy!! Many wanting to receive Christ for the first time.  As usual, we had them bow their heads and asked if anyone who had not yet asked Jesus into their heart, would raise their hand if they would like to ask Him in, 11 girls raised their hands!!!!  Praise you Jesus!!!! It has been like that almost every time we go in. Of course, there are always new girls every week so we get to witness to different girls each time, besides the ones that will be there for a while.  In our last post, we shared how we started a Christian library in there.  The girls were sooooo excited!  This past week, we learned that they actually can get baptized in the jail. They bring in a big portable horse troth and fill it with water as needed. We were so excited about that opportunity being available. Two girls raised their hands wed. and asked to be baptized!! So needless to say, we are extremely excited to be able to do that (of course, after we have a chance to counsel with them), a week from this Thursday!! Please keep us all in prayer!

Wonderful things continue to happen at the First Baptist Church of Flatwoods, where Rick has been supplying quite regularly. We have recently begun putting together our very first coffee house at Flatwoods.  Everyone is very excited about this since they have never done anything like this before and since they really have hearts for outreach. October 8th is the date of the coffeehouse so as you can imagine, we are scrambling! There is sooo much I could share about the amazing things God is doing to bring this together but there is just too much, right down from Danny (who has such a  wonderful heart for the Lord, and is a gifted musician as well), who is helping us, to Devin Williams, who has volunteered to come play from Nashville!

Then later this month, Dianne (my singing partner from Mass., see, will be flying in to do a few concerts. We also will be doing a concert in the jail for the women. Of course, I will be so  happy to see her!  We have such an amazing unity of heart. We are always thrilled to get together and discuss the things that the Lord is showing us, we hardly talk about anything else;  well, of course, going shopping at our favorite place,” Salvation Fashions” (Salvation Army)! Ha, ha!!!!  No, really, we share regularly what He is doing in our lives over the phone and ALWAYS pray together, seeking His will first and foremost for our lives.

Beginning the second week of Nov. (after Dianne goes back home), we will be departing what has been our home for 8 wonderful months (and our wonderful friends ) at the” KOA campground” in Ashland, Ky!  We cannot express our gratitude enough!!!  We will be heading toward the Dallas, Texas area, where we will be staying and carrying the cross until right before Christmas.

Keep us in your prayers, and please pray about supporting this ministry,( you can through Paypal), as it is strictly a faith-based ministry working on the “Front Lines” reaching the unreached. (see our Donate page)

Thank you so much and God bless you,

Rick and Doreen (from the side of the road)